Clippings from George S. Benson
THE BALDWIN TIMES, Thursday, !\fay 14, 1981 Page 15-A 1 Times columnists (Continued from Page 1-A) leading citizen in your city, county and state serving as mayor, state senator, director and president of the Chamber . of Commerce, chairman of the Housing Authority and the Municipal Airport Authority, and Industrial Development Board, • • • Ieade"r who is devoted to the ideals of Christian education, ''By the authority of the Board of Trustees, with Ben Holladay, Chairman, we here– by bestow upon you, James H. Faulkner, the degree of Doctor of Laws with all the honors, rights, privileges and thereunto "Because you have excelled in the field of communication as an accomplished journalist, editor, and publisher and awarded many honors for your work in the radio industry, appertaining.'' Faulkner, native of Lamar County, Alabama , moved to Bay Minette in 1936; "Because you have contri– buted to the progress of the free enterprise system in the are as of publishing, radio, insuranc e, banking and engineering. He is active in many civic capacities and has receiv d numerous recognition and citations for his service. "Because you are a Christi an - He is preside Radio, Inc. , and '; the Executive David Volkert" an; He was owner of~.~: Times from 1936 0 ;;,m nam~d h chemist from SJ. D L C. Sears, J?ean researc f of his grand- r. . d" UnIVer- Louis, and our Emeritus of Har idng 'th the children. performed . was honore wi Th honoree d s1ty'. f Harding's newest e h' ch reveale naming o "L C Sears unveilings. w lat the dor- women's dorm : . the the lettermg d east en- Ha ll" in cer_emomes on ·t y's north an l '1:l m1 or 'de the doorway campus Apr1 . named trances. Ins1 ue which "Tht do~~r.Wi':!cause of he unve~':::r~:i~~ the wall. a!ter r . time service to had be~ g the dedication, a his long t· ,, said Followm held in Dr. · t· educa 10n, t was Chns ,an . Clifton L. banque Many friends Harding President 85 Sears' honor-. r- Jr Dr. Sears, ' d admirers shared pe Gan~~ t ·Cordell Christian an al recollections of _Dr. taug a 915 to 1918 at son nd his .lifetime College from 1 f m 1918 to Sears a t Christian Harper College r~. g from dedication o 1924 and at Har min 1966. education. . ' ct the 1924 until he retired d A laque ms1 e He serve f th English entranceh o following in- d as Dean an p t the building fl •• s . chairman o e 1924 to bears . t e zlzary ' department from . scriphof~ d Cline Sears is a I . 1960. . l uests were ~n .D~. L ,Jied scholar and • pondence courses S~"';:::, t;e dedication, m- dish~!~ a minister and elder be taken to ,m hf°ct· g his two sons, Jack te~~ i..:.rd's kingdom, an ef- wledge of rules cu m rs Chairman of m _e college · ad· ulations of the Am Woodd_ Seg': department of f1~1_ei~tor and a Christian ~=;:; . A iliary Har m d Kern a m1ms ' ion ux d' : . nal biology , an ' v"L nu':'uu:: vuc:1uuc111. he four IVISIO uouuu,;-~a•u"c•, • . . -~--~~ ··. • sidents gave .... ...,u ~ru 1 -..;::;: ..::: ~~- .:::.~~=. ~ ~:t\inal gue~t . speaker --:::-- c:::. ~(1 .. &•:~:~ >;_:.. -- Robert C. Ayers, A.L.A. ~ - consultant. Ayers L 1~~~~~~~~~=::~~~~~~:;:~-::~::;~~~ ukp on insurances C ----:-=:_ t catching fresh-water turtles. e . • an expert a ilable for American The jaguar is . . Auxil iary members. wn d' us t the rou nd table isc - Mrs. D orothy Maddox, ~ricanis qi chairman , . ed that e veryJ>erson take e on Fla g Day, June 14th e at 4 P m for pledge. us · -· b er clos ing_ prayer, 'I R ·· em ber your First Lady em , 0 00 Mother s ay with Estee Lauder's ,, ''SWEET SCENT-SATIONS Youth-Dew Estee Cinnabar White Linen Pavilion Celadon no \;;es., . Mike Webb. She was mn,~ a in the 1977 Miss America n. . . was honored for maintammg point average for the last two mni Mr. the rant as written eBoardat uch many airman of mired him n have an ns. Ralph tions. For m will be cious and rthe years ,tudents at thank you. 73111 ears yet in ,~leneand I ,cc
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