Clippings from George S. Benson
Dr Benson speaks at comm encemen t - Dr. George S. Benson, president emeritu~ n£ Har– dincr u- · ~ sionary in China, Ben son became president of H ar– ding, a post he held for 29 years. He has served a s a of the advis ory Board 4 for the United St ates Merc hant Marine Academy and of the National Associa– tion of School Ad– ministrators, and he organized a Public Expen– diture Council in Arkansas. Recognized frequently for his accomplishments, Ben– son has been the recipient of the "Arkansan of the Year" award and of more li'reedoms Foundation wards than any other meric This year Benson as selected to receive the oratio Alger Award. tp; 'p;) SlU :he Commencement address and conferred an Honorary Benson and Jimmy Faulkner, of Alabama Chr~stian College. page 2 L ibrary ·Book Fund C ontributions OONOR IN MEMORY OF Jewell' Holt .................... Delbert Culver, Sr. Maury County Associates . . . :. Mrs: Maude Seymour DONOR IN HONOR OF Mr. & Mrs. F. Woody Loden Ill . .................... . .Mrs. Valeria Sorrells Loden ...... . ...........•...... Mrs. Floyd Craig Daniel Memorial Gifts Beatrice Grant .............. William Lela M: Meador . : ....... •... William Paul Hoover .............. . . William Sara R. Mc ew • ••••• • •••••• William Mrs. Lucille Jordon .... . .... William Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rohlfing ......... . .................. William Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Greer ..... William Mr. & Mrs. ·Immanuel Ayers .......... . ........ . .....•.. William &th A. Brown ...........•.• William Dr. & Mrs. E. Claude Gardner .. . . . ...................... Mrs. Mattw Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Bloomingburg ..................... .••.•. Mrs.Matt' Dr. &Mrs. Eugene P. Hibbett ....................... •... Mrs.Matt DONOR IN MEMORY OF Miss Lora LAycoolt .. •.. .... Mrs.Mal . Posey Furniture Co., Inc. .•....... Rufus G. Hibbett Mr. &Mrs. Howard Graham ••. ..•.. J Mr. & Mrs. James H. Brown, Jr. Mr. &Mrs. Ralph Dixon, Jr. •••.. , • I ................................ Rufus G. Hibbett Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Berryman ....... , J Maxine B. Martin .•............. Rufus G. Hibbett Dr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Hibbett •••..•• J Mrs. John McDonald ........... . Rufus G. Hibbett Mrs. G.O. Davidson •..••• Harold Br, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Zachary .•...... .Rufus G. Hibbett M __ r_._&·f.· '.s.. ·B·i·ll· .Da. ·v·ids· · • • °" .... Haro'~ Mr. & Mrs. J.O. Patterson .: ...... Rufus G. Hibbett HJ Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Laz.enlry .....•. Rufus G. Hibbett David vidson .••••••••• Harold B Mr. & Mrs. Buford D. Jacltson ... •Rufus G. Hibbett Virgi ia B. Sharp ••••••••• T~~ J Mrs. T.B. Rhodes ..••.• ..•.....•. Rufus G. Hibbett Nelle ailey Cole ..•••••.•• Tnaa JfH"V!MJ Mr. & Mrs. William Phillips .... Rufus G. Hibbett Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hight ••• Tricia J shore . . . . . . . . . . . Rufus G. Hibbett Mr. b Mrs. Robert Rains & FamiZ., r.. r-.- - --- •• • •••••••••• • •••••• Tricia IZEN - Searcy, Ark. - Sunday, May 17, 1981, -. Ut:5e, l eCEIV@d an stat ,, 'I doctorate from a esm~n. Calling Benson ardema n College, eco . k,?owledgeabJe 3enson was also the B nom1st, Ga rdner said enson is " f on spea ker for the t. , 1 one o the na- comme ncement ex- t1:~ s eading ~p onents of eld on May 2. ree enterpns e system." in God must be the ity" for anyone hop– ;>e with today's con– rld, Benson told the iates. The educator- said the nation :urn back to God or o~g to get deeper ?r into trouble." a former mis– ------· J -..<> China and chair– man of the board for Zambia ~hristian School, said the na- tion needs dedicated Christians and warned ~raduates that they are "go– mg_out into the greatest period of confusion this coun– try has ever known.'' FHC President E. Claude enson, Dr . Gardner,Dr . Faulkner
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