Clippings from George S. Benson
~~~mad~ ~tda~ #~~~~ ~~ tff: ~ fp}f~ ~~~o/yxa~ rd~ ~-@fi;ad ~~~~ ¥7tle, ~~~~~ @Jr~~-~~¥~ ~kzdted ~-MU7 Ul/ tfe, ~~ g>~ ~~ ~~ Hilton, Clare Boothe Luce, and Bob Hope. Nominations are accepted from all walks of life~ and after extensive research, ds, given to top nominees are selected. leaders throughout . The Horatio _Alger Award graduating O Mloma A and M . tlM, ,Benion ·became mlcioal _of_th,. prepa.ratory academy af- filiated .with Harding Col– lege. There he received his B. A. from Harding and met his futttre wife. Shortly thereafter, he went to China as a missionary. After ,,open– ing Bibi~ and English schools there, he received a call to return to Harding as presiden~. In the 19 years he served as president, Benson raised $1 ion for the school each Yeat. -~ · is ~t' and Executive DirectOr of the ~ationlll Education Pro– ~, and bas won recopt– tion from the Freedoms ,.,..._tton every year since ~ §.·tJtJft.m . !PJYt,n,na, IJ.·tJtJft.m. George S. Benson, preside,:tt emeritus of Harding University at Searcy and president and ex– ecutive director of the National Education Program, has been awarded one of 19 Horatio Alger Awards; given annually to busi– ness -leaders around the country who have risen from humble be: ginnings· and are. advocates of free .enterprise. Benson, whose parents. were · Oklahoma home– steaders, served as Harding president from 1936 to 1965. As part of his work for the Na– tional Education Program, an or– ganization promoting New _Right beliefs, he appears nationally on . television, writes a· weekly col– umn for several newspapers, · and writes a mont~ly newsletter sent to 50 a'1 · +ulr.lm ~ awoJaq pm~ J aqJi "·asnt?J AUt? a'.:JilJ 'SUl:?!J!'. HIOd aq+ sas'Ra{d q t U'8J aM ! 8W!.IJ q;m W ·aJJOA +Ut?+mw "R .rnaq !JJl:? {'BU O!fl:?UJWOUap '.J.IlO {dUIJS '8 aq put? 'SUO!Snp .IOJ +! p' B,U 'sput?q UMO l:?W A.IaA 3: '8{q!8: aq'.J. O'.J. q;,.znqJ '8 q.8no.rq'.J. waq+ ardoad pt?a{ O'.J. uomsod do·ad A{UO aq'.J. 8.I'R a M_ "·radso.8 'BJ aM A'BM SJql UJ ·uon p IHM 'A'.J.JU.I8'.J.8 U! 8J'R{d Id sn "PIO'.J aq 1,snw uon qof aqi oi ll~ms p1noqs sa.1.1~0 ·pa.iepunou A~lD 3WV ey+ ay~ Jay+ sseu,snq , 8A!8:>8J .uep!S8Jcf ~nJ03$ . ' . -U! AUl:? 'tp.Imp A anssJ O'.J. s.1ai.1 '+! .8UJOp 0' .J.UJ +a.8 O'.J. +nq U IJt? O'.J. A.I'.J. All'88.I pu-e aJ!fJt?Jd O+U ! 1nd .8U!fU8UI8{dW J U! '8 aA'Bq a .M. . · snsa · 'Bard UOitt?JO lS8'H O'.J. paau waq+ JO pa.1pun q OM'.J. .A:1q '.J.q.8m: ·a.8'8n.8uu1 !J JO '.J.Jl:?d +t?q'.J. O'.J. t10 '.J.S8'.J.l?8J.8 aql SU pa JOJ .8U!S!'.J..IaApy • p1no.M. .A:ut?w a.8un.8 1,vq1, SVA\ vapJ aqi e1qm PI.IO~ JO
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