Clippings from George S. Benson
> .Mr. August A. Busclt, Jr. Mr. Charles f. Knight / .Mr. J. Wesley McAfee / Mr. Spencer T. Olin .Mr. HarolJ E. Thayer / Dr. Charles A. Thomas .Mr. Eugene. f. Williams, Jr. reciuest the pleasure of your company at a Jinner in honor of on TlmrsJay t the sixteenth of April .I · J • 1 JreJ anJ eightv-one APRIL1981 one thousan , nme bun - .I at hJf after seven o'clock The Saint Louis Club 7701 f ors h Boulevarcl St. Louis ..Missouri The favor of a reply Reception at seven o' clocl. ny;s teacher e ducation pfQgram, since 1961, h as not been reviewed ars, and the o n-site study was to e extension o f accreditation, ae– o Dr. Bobby Coker, dean of the Education. sly the progra ms have received a ten-year · a pproval, ·but new · swill require re-examination and .ion at least every eight years. g submitted an extensive written of the program to the Council the school year in preparation for ' sing the gwdelines of NCATE, ~alidated the institutional report, 18 reciuesteJ by March thirtieth iners also made an assessment L ~ ----:--;-:;:~=~=:-'wi:::~:- 7mriffi1nistratio il tritici ' inlifiis~ bee~n~a ~dijijust.ed Li J to~ - r ~ of~ w~h~et~h~er ot not we met NCATE stan- acc epted the position following . well, Benson said. "Th e mora le dards," he said, "and we met the standards the resignation of the school's has c limbed and the people are and the substandards." In reviewing the lat est head due to personal enthu siastic. The board is one of ; strengths and weatoeues of the program, rea sons. · the f inest I have ever known. coolies. · Benson plans to spilt his time . They are dedicated and ex- In 1936, Benson became president of ~n;:en~ .:on~r:~ trem ely liberal in their giving," Harding, obliterating the college's debt in in the Hardbig area. His. duties he sa id. three years. Until b mirement in 1965, wil l be similar to those he once Inla ddition to Harding a nd ACC, . Benson annually raised a million dollars for · Bens on has helped raise dion.ey pe rformed while servmg as 11 Harding for· 29 years. Harding's President for 29 yea_rs and lead every Christian co ege Benson is president and executive in the states. He has also worked U 9 36-t96S). · extensi·vely with the Namwianga director · of the . National Education · "I am just bridging the gap h· until a new President can be Secondary School in Zambia . Program. Through his lectures, ts own radio show and his newspaper columns, he Ground breaking (Conti nued from page I) Administrati ve representatives included vice.presidentsJ . E. Pryor, Floyd Dan· and Lott R. Tucket Jr., as well as David Burks, dean of the Sc hool of Business. Mayor Wiseman, a Searcy ~ative, reflected from 35 years •ac> when he had · attended Hardina. In laudini the staadards or Hardina, be notec1 ''llaidm1 ~ upheld her standard better ttam any other in– stitution I know of anywhere." The city official also ncalled his involmneat 'With . the construction of the oriainal buildina. "I hauled concrete and helped make blocks for that ·structure," he said, "and &ankly I kinda hated see it go.'' Dr. Ganus introduced Herman Spurlatt, W. T. "Shorty'' Pearson and has consistently spoken out enterprise system and against the Com– munist menace. His work has wo recognition, directly or indirectly, from Freedoms Foundation every year since 9.
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