Clippings from George S. Benson
Dr.· George S. Benson has program, including grades just returned from a 3-week eight through twelve.-A few trip to Zambia, Africa. He of the graduates are admit– serves as Chairman of the ted each year to the Univer- Board of the .Namwianga sity of Zambia and approx- _ Christian Secondary School imately half of the graduates at Kalomo, Zambia, and has are admitted to one of the Ol s.ap.masa.l spwa1 pmr suon for 15 years gone back and four Teacher Training Col- Um> 9l1U3(0l Ol a1qe .19ll3Q ··· forth to Zambia every two or leges in Zambia~ In either ~ow a1doad awos 9lf8W Ol spuai three years. He carries a big event, they have all ex- 111 v Bunwa l'lql st atiO ·dmntd share ·of the responsibility penses paid, including ltqeq Ul A218lU8Ape amos for · keeping an adequate board, room, tuition, fees, ·lallt>JPUl qa.ivasa.i 198181 .MU. faculty in the Zambia school books and uniforms. A 91D mno AfiS8a 9.IOW sassaum and finances for its oper a- "Brother Merritt Brother 9UI03. 19AO Ol a1qe 9Q pue a.maas tion. · Hobb Y., Br O ther Aff1r.> 1ic>IOtfaA1KI (93J 'pa~ai The chief objective of th e· Shewmaker, Brother Elder, ~ Ol k >uapuai 3111 aAeq U.)lJO Al school is to train Christia n their wives and others .. AWN Ill Ql(ltaH 18lU9W .IOJ .JalUa::) leadership. It has an enrol l- started grammar schools O l& Od .MU JO l 9 IDW apll8(0 ment of 200 and is a 5-ye ar there 50 years ago." Dr. Ben- . o o:»e '~.mqtQo.KI 3salll JO Dr. G. Benso LUSAKA. ~ llr.r""'=ifll~•~"7~--; 311.L ·p eq 118 aq lOU A81D ... BJq OOl made of 'plain hafi,,..J w 0 ,,,, .":~ ,==~~°!:«: · \,J I n Alftl I inq 'awn awos llOOl U make, the real .bonus ame in be ing able to liminate t.he Ordram treat– ment. At a savings of $l6-20 an acre, Ed says the chete-Stam program con-. uted..sienificantlv to hut season. "I can break the cy– cle of fungus if it is present to keep disease out of the <;rop," Ed points out, "and it dries up the breeding ground for weevils and root mag– rzots '' out pretty even in nm. They do a good it's a good inves have stock in the c says. ·a1qvnvAv pr.t.1ds .>qi OU RA\ a.Jalll as&a Ul 'aaulll eµ os_ J OJ 1ua um8.11ra1qeuOS88.l .10 oo anJ a91wo.1d .131U,a PfllOA\ OJl8W.IOJUl JOJ .q;)J8aS e ullaq Ol wold UOJ18Zlf83l ;>JlBWD8.Jl 1111J, s .n,91p QlJA\ appnq llaQ .llatn apJ11 nnw JO mpm.1 aqi Bu11qof-' ~wsg, q;,nw 'RA\ I l1Rll pe:,no I Al DAILY CITIZEN - Se~rcy, Ark. -Tuesday, March 24, 1981 · -f•"'-•~ p,eo°"-~ }Sf.,.,~ JYp, Kiwanis work .1 . New Orleua. Since I Ill not . Kiwanlan, but merely an: d bystander, I can write wblch perbaps memben of Kiw clubt may be too modest to write about tbem11lves. This coneerna the outstanding job evet I Khradil clubs in the New Ori~ area have done durine the past to promote Americanism, patri– otllm and free llntel'prise in several !aleh lCbools in the ~ty. · Worklna witb Dr. George S. Beuon, PN1ident of the National Educ ation pto&ram OD the Harding cam– ill Searcf, Ark., the Kiwanis clubs reaclltd 1everal hundred New Or hip acbool leaders with these portant meaapa - and they have reached them in an effective m anner , ___ .........,...__. _____ ,..._,-... .... ~ ...... FOR: SCRAPBOOK Re: New Orleans Forum March 10-11-12,1981 , 'P!~q::>mq " cMeq 01 paau l,llpfllO Afi&a.I no,< let{l al(!JlS Ae ·JnOJ .1o-aa.1q1 e 8mAeq A Bu!uaddeq aAmsod 8U!QlAU 1e.u · aas 1,ue::, 1 ,, ·1uawamas 1ae.11uo::, aAnetua1 e patpea.1 uone!::>ogsv s.101uado f80:) SDOU!WDl!8 aql pue UO!tm aqi q::>!qh\ ut 8 m ·U!e~beq ll{~!lLiaAo SU!h\OUoj uompe.11 O::> , u e. l( tr.uq Ol 1uap!saJd JO SQlUOW Ofl\l lS.I!J aq1 JOJ s,uo!un aq1 ,<q pal(se ffmaq e.1 aq1 PUV ·pa1aul0.1d peq a.1e SJal(JOM aurw I>al!Ufi acn SlS!WOUO;>a awos ueq1 SS3f Jo snauno::, 8u!u.1aAo8 acu Afl~ffns seh\ 'q8!q q8noq 1 ~dV) NOJ.DNIHSV.M -Je asea.1::>uJ 1uaa.184 I aqJ, a)f !JJS OJ JO U ·s1uapuadap aa.1q1 seq oqA\. .1alJJOh\ pa!.1.IUW e .IOJ S I a.1n81J "s8uJwea a1qepua ds 1ea.1· aq.r. ·p!es 1.1oda.1 aq1 'saµe1~ .1ah\Of .10 a8eM AJJO oq Jah\Of e ueq1 .1aqie.1 1 uow a pa~so s JaU!W '1uaw1.1edaa .ioqeri 3111 .<q ,<epol pasea1a.1 sa.mBy 3'U, ·.1ea.( lftf JO IIB .IOJ,lUcl;>.Iad t'Zl 8UJQUIJI:> .1aue a1e.1 tenuue 1uaa.iact I'6 e '~ienuer UJ 1uaa.1ad t·o uasµ peq uoneuu, ne.1a"O '0861 A.t8RU1r 0 ! i>atsod qurna 1ua;,.Ja<t t e seh\ aunose8 JOJ asea.iam ~::>µd SOO!Aa.1d tsaB.18( .HIJ, . ·1ue1ooa pue no .1oiow se qans SJanpoJd wnaf0Jl8d Jaq10 JOJ 1uaa.1ad s·1 pue no 1anJ .IOJ 1uaa.1ad 6'L 'auuoseB JOJ , 1uaa.1ad 9·9 8UJPOJ:>. ·U! sasea.iau! aaµd .<B.iaua a8.1e1 aq1 AQ paW(aqM..»Ao a.1aM 8u!snoq pue poGJ .IOJ sasea.iau! aaµd aie.1apo}Y ·dna tuaa.1ad I e 1e aso.1 saa!Jd 'Qluow atfl .lO..!J ·saaud no ansawop Jo 1o.qu0aap s,ue8eau JO Sl.»J -Ja aq1 1aaJ 01 ueBaq S.Jawn -uo::, se . 'Al?J>Ol pai.lOdaJ lll3WUJ9A08 a 'A.nm.rqaJI · 1uaa.1ad L ·zi 1noqv
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