Clippings from George S. Benson
Dr. George S. Benson returned Thursday afternoon from a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah where he addressed The Century Club on the subject "Will It Be Tragedy Or Triumph For America?''. People were there from five different States. The membership is composed of people espeically dedicated to creating greater in– terest in the Constitution of the United States and greater concern for law and order. Dr. George s. Benson will attend the fall meeting of the American Security Council in Washington D.C. of which he is a member. During 1979, the Council -- took the lead in building a Coali tion for '' Peace _ Through Strength" . . It con– sists of 106 national organizations, 2,500 retired Generals and Admirals and 204 members of Congress. It produced the documen– tary film , " Salt Syndrome", which has been shown • I · __several times in Searcy and TIZEN - Searcy, Ark. - -nhur,sday, October 2, 1980 which has appeared on TV . • . 500 times and has been · lt · shown to more than 10,000 local groups and organiu– tions. BENSON SPEAKS - Dr. George S. Ben– son, president of The National Education Program, tells the Noon Lions of the "Inva– sion of Two Foreign Ideologies" in America. One is the socialism of industry and business and the other is communism. He stated that only estimates were available as to the number of Communists in America today, but that it was con– siderably more than the admitted 15,000 given by the communist leaders. < Dillin– West Photo) . DR. _GE?RGE BENSON , president emeritus of Harding University, admires Cindy K1~g s DECA lapel pin following his address to a group of students at South Panola High School . Dr. Benson spoke on free enterprise at a workshop of DECA members from 14 area schools . Dr. George Benson ·is -speaker Dr. George Benson, presi– dent emeritus of Harding Col– lege, Searcy, Arkansas, and a nationally-known speaker on the subject of free enterprise, was the featured speaker at a work– shop of the Distributive Educa– tion Clubs of America. held last week at South Panola High School, and hosted by the school's two DECA chapters. Dr. Benson appeared at the invitation of SPHS student Cindy King, a junior working on a special DECA free enterprise project. More than 100 students from 14 area schools heard Dr_ Ben– son speak on "America in the 80's." Workshops were held, focus– ing on leadership, reporting. and fina nce. Presiding at the meeting was SPHS student Ellen Embry, ECA District V vice president. Jim Bowers, state advisor for DECA, was present for the workshop. The South Panola DECA chapters are sponsored by Allen Anthony and Mrs. Maxine '11lag– gard .
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