Clippings from George S. Benson
'Searcian returns from European t'l1,p Dr. Marguerite O'Banion has just returned from a two week's tour in Europe~ in– cluding seeing the Passion Play at Oberammergau. The Oberammergau Pas– sion Play covers one week in the life of Christ and includes the Last Supper, the scene in the Garden, the betrayal, the trials and .· finally, the crucifixion and closes with the resurrection of Jesus. - Dr. O'Banion d~cribed briefly her entire two weeks' tour, including travel in Ita– ly, Austria, Germany, Leichtenstein and Switzerland, but stirred the emotions of her audience with her vivid description of the various scenes of the Passion Play, espceially the betrayal, the trials and the crucifixion. Her audience on this occasion consisted of the staff of The National Educa- tion Program. . Dr. O'Banion served as Executive ~retary to Dr. 'Benson feturnS ·frOO, f,- • • George S. Benson ~uring 21 of his 29 years as President of Harding and continues to serve as his Executive Secretary in connection with The National Education Pro– gram, which he founded while President of Harding and for which he .has con– tinued to serv~ a!$ President since retiring as President of Harding in 65. He also serves as Chancellor of Alabama Christian College at Mon– tgomery, Alabama. .., sf}eaking tour t; i Dr.· George s. Benson had ·excellent housing, a 5, ,returned Thursday from a delightful auditorium, ::> .. trip to North Dakota and .remarkable recreation ~ - Minnesota. Thirteen yea~s facilities-, and · a very > I ago the Farm Bt)reau m delightful campus. .. ~ North Dakota and in Min- Similar forums are in § nesota started · Youth operation now in thirteen dif:– cn Forums patterned after the ferent states and all of them- . ones being held at Searcy. patterned after the forums t - For eleven out of these thir- that were Searcy · <( .. teen years, Dr. Benson has in 1955. _ ;. .. been a speaker at each of the Dr. Benson is giving the ~ forums. graduation address for the 10 , He reported a keener in- graduates _from the s~m~ ~ terest in national affairs on ~s~hool at O~ahoma ~- . the part of these advanced ban College mOklahom~ Ci– Z high school students and ex- ty Friday. His theme was ~ pressed delight that ·they ''Our America - It Needs i= seem to have a grasp on so You.' 1 , - pi many national affairs and so _ ....,,.,.~~~~ii~rt:~77 u much interest in the general ~ welfare of America. Dr.. Ben– ·- son .spent two and a half NOil v'OOSSv' Sl310H 03~~3::t3~d ~38W3W ~Nl)l~Vd 131VA S~V:> 1V 1N3~ i Aa1iueJ9 ,(ll!S 'uos Aw JOJ aiot-. JnoA aie1:>aJd -de p1noM I iP!P . I se Jauuew_ ..... .......--,fftl' )IS 30 S3:>IA~3S 1S3n~ ~ hours on the platform before each group. The Minnesota group met on the edge of a large lake in Faith Camp, a church camp established by the Lutheran church and which the forum was able to rent. It provided h0using for the approximately 200 peo– ple present, an excell!nt auditorium, and recreation -~.....-..+:i,:i•.ii~~(~<1~ ... ,.:r.~1'.~~~·,:,!i,1: facilities. Dr. . Benson said that in ·North Dakota there were about 225 present and they met in Mary College - . a Catholic institution which they were able to secure. It
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