Clippings from George S. Benson
Dr. George S. Benson will be the featured speaker at dedication -ceremonies for the biding named in his honor a HardingUniversity Thurs y when official rec~on will be made of the $2.f auditorium named for Harling's president from 1936-65 will be held. ' Music composed by Dr. William Hollaway especially for the .occasion together with greet_ings trom r~tati':es of education on ~ els will fare-for the., rogram, · ch • WiJl\erpn at 4p. . HardlJII President Clifton L. Ganus Jr. has announced the slate to include opening music by the University Band under the direction of Dr. G. E·. Baggett, the dedication ceremony, pr.ayer by Floyd Daniel, vice pl'eflident for development, anda welcome by Ganus. 1.'he dedication music, a patriotic work in three mcpvements, will be pl'fllented by the University DAlt.Y CITIZEN· Monday, March 31, 1980· T-t-t~ WATCH[RS for finance. The unveiling of the- name will be held on the front steps. Dr. Benson and guests will be honored at a ainner in the American Heritage Cafeteria later in the day. L.O. Sanderson of Mem– phis, composer of the University's Alma Mater, will lead the group in singing the composition followed by the benediction led by Lott Tucke~ Jr., vice president At 7:30 p.m., Dr. Milton Friedman, Nobel prize winn– ing economist, will speak in the auditorium as a part of the American Studies Lec– ture Series. The address will be open to the public. ·Gazette State New• · BLACKWELL - Doyle T. Swain, ss, of Los Angeles, for– merly of Blackwell (Conway County), a past vice preside~t of Harding University's National Education Program at Searcy, dieci Saturday. He was a research analyst for · the .Health and Mental Service Depprtment at Los Angeles . County and a former director of Civil Services and Research at Pepperdine ·University at Los An- § geles. ..., A graduate of Harding College - (now Harding Unive~ity), he was -i a World War II veteran and a ; member of the Church of Christ. J:. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. t- Mary Cranford Swain; two sons, ~ John Swain of Los Angeles and ~ Tim Swain of Searcy; his mother, := Mrs. Stella T. Swain of Blackwell; C> two brothers, Dallas Swain of At- kins and Ansel Swain of Morril– ton and two sisters, Mrs. Allene Sm1rl of Blackwell and Mrs. Shir– ley Teddar of Merced, Cal. Graveside service will be at 11 a.m. 1bursday at National Ceme– tery at Fort Smith by Fentress .r Fort Smith. • l .Doyle T. Swain, 55, of ~ Angeles, formerly, o . Blackwell < Con~ay County): ~ -•.-..~-MIi Rrtfirft 9':UPt. and a. member of the Church of Christ. SUl'.'Vivors are his wife, Mrs. Mary Cranford S wain; t wo sons, John Swain o f Los Angeles and Tim Swa in of Searcy; his mother, Mrs. Stella T. Swain of Blackwell; two brothers, Dallas Swain of Atkins and Ansel Swain of Morrilton, and two sisters, Mrs. Allene Smirl of Blackwell and Mrs. Shirley Teddar of Merced, Califor– nia. Graveside service were at 11 a.m. today at National Cemetery at Fort Smith by Fentress Mortuary of Fort Slnith. 'I REFLECTION'S - Harding University's President Emeritus Dr. George S. Benson listens during the formal dedication of the $2.6 Auditorium that bears his name. Ben- . son told guests and alumni from throughout the country who attended that he is "greatly honored to have my name going up on this , auditorium:..' .... ' --...,..,.,.-.:-~.:.....,,,_.....--..,...,....~-::n--i~~:-\tk In connection with today's festivities surrounding the dedication of the George· S. Benson Auditorium, Dr. Milton Friedman will speak in the complex at 7:30 tonight as part of Harding's American Studies · lee- · tureships. The 68-year old,Friedman won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1976 and is now a Nobel laureate in the field. It will be the second ap– pearance for the Brooklyn, New York, native, who last spoke on the campus in 1974. Since that time be has work– ed in various capacities in the U.S. Treasury Depart– ment, was a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco, and is now a senior research fellow at Hoover Institute of Stanford University. Friedman has authored or co-authored 26 books on such topics as the monetary history of the U.S., economic theory, inflation, and social security. He is a past recipient of the John Bates Clark medal from the American ·Economic Association, the · Chicagoan of the Year award~and the Educator of the Year distinction in · Chicago. A member of both the Na– tional Academy of Science and the American Ee c Association, Friedman has · taught at the Universities of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Chicago. The lecture is open to the . public with only a a small number of seats being reserved for special guests.
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