Clippings from George S. Benson
·um Dedic tion Planned March 27 Pinal plans are being tnade for the March 27 dedication ceremony of the George S. Benson Auditorium. President aifton Ganus will begin the ceremony at 4 p.m. and introduce special guests. Dr. Benson, Harding's second president, will be the hOllored speaker at the program. The 81-year-old Benson served at Harding 1936-65. He and his wife, Sallie, were missionaries to China before returning to Harding. Benson is currently president of the National Education Program and is active in supporting Christian education at home and abroad. ''This will be a memorable day for Harding and we hope that many of our alumni, friends and parents will be able to join us," said Ganus. "We have invited state officials and other special guests to be present, and at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Milton Fri~man, Nobel Prize– winning economist will speak for our American Studies Lecture Series," the president continued. Ceremonial music will be provided by the Chorale, A Cappella Chorus and the Brass Ensemble of the University Band. A musical program, composed · Dedication by Dr. William Holloway of the faculty especially for the occasion, will be presented. Featuring an 80 by 66-foot fan– shaped stage with orchestra pit the building has 3,400 theatre seats. _An earth-toned color , scheme is used throughout and gold velvet theatre curtains draw to a scallop. The upper balcony can be c;onverted · into four classrooms. The new facility is located at the comer of Center and Blakeney streets, on the northeast part of the campus. Its construction marks the final project of the "Decade of Development," a program which saw the completion of seven new buildings on campus and the renovation of two structures. The $2.6 million auditorium, under construction since March of 1978, was opened for use in January this year. , , George 5. Benson Auditorium Harding University March 27, 1980 i
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