Clippings from George S. Benson
To l'Jla·!--111" of the Guette: Bece8tlJ I attended a aemiDli' led lay Mn. Marilyn Kreitliag repreienting the National Educa– tion Program. Concerned parents were made aware of the un– godly and immoral teaching prac– tices in many of the public schools in our country. As a min– ister and as a father, I am ap– palled at the way many values are being undermined in our so– ciety. I disagree with the use of value clarification as it is used in many public schools in our state. Par– ents should be made aware of this method of teaching and the text– books that are being used in the classroom. I would rather see our schools use books like the McGuf– fey Reader, which provided a good education without undermin– ipg moral values, than many of the books in use today. Just be– cause a book is published as an educational book doesn't mean it has to be used. There are many books being written that could be used to teach children without obscenity. We can't take our chil– dren out of the world but we can keep them from being molded into its mold. Mrs. Kreitling and the National Education Program should be praised for their research and concern. They have recently re– ceived criticism they didn't de– serve. I, for one, am grateful for their efforts. returns from trip By LINDA IDLBUN CitizenStaffWriter Marilyn Kreitling, Director of Women's Activities for the National Education Program, an– nounced her resignation Wednesday. The 43-year old Searcy resident has worked in that capacity for the past six months but will begin doing free lance personal work as of March 15. In working with NEP, Kreitling bas conducted various seminars stressing patriotism, character, and educational improvements. She intends to continue along the same line of work, only without the NEP association. "It's one thing to speak for yourself and it's another thing to be represe~ting someone else," she stated in commenting that she will continue t(> be supportive of NEP and other such pro– family organizations. Asked if her unexpected resignation had anything to do with a recent controversy with Little Rock School Superintendent Paul Masern, Kreitling replied it did not and that her change in plans was "something that had been evolving for a long time." Kreitling commented that the work of pro-family ad– voca tors Phyllis Scblafly and Norma Gabler had in– spired her decision and that she plans to visit Gabler this weekend to obtain advice regarding her new outreach. "I looked at the extensive program carried on by other women on behalf of the future of our country... and found myself wishing I could someday be directing a similar program among women on behalf of our American heritage," abe stated in a prepared statement. "Observing the work of other women bas led me to believe that my m01t effective work will be to operate an independent program from my own home." Kreitling plans to solicit support from friends and other concerned citizens to finance her new un– dertaking. Dr. George S. Benson, president of NEP, stated that he has not yet found a replacement for Kreitling. APRIL1980
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