2011-2012 Yearbook

Sophomore Kevin Holder plays basketball with an inner city child at a festival organized by the mission group in Knoxville, Tenn. In addition to playing basketball, the Knoxville mission team also had an egg toss and played the game "ninja." Mackenzie Lee Sophomore Callie Abston prepares tortillas with a family in Belize. The group sampled the local cuisine at several restaurants and spent time visiting and encouraging families. Courtesy of Diana Kirby Sophomore Tyler Phillips plays with Nicaraguan children. Her mission team also helped build a porch extension to keep the rain out of a widow's house. Courtesy of Kreston Lee Sophomore Kris Monroe races neighborhood children down a road in Belize. The group went door knocking and, for fun, explored caves. Courtesy of Diana Kirby Monroe nails siding onto the San Antonio Church of Christ building in Pueblo Viejo, Belize. "It was a very humbling and eye-opening trip," Monroe said. "Belize has a lot of the aspects of a less fortunate nation, but it is a place filled with wonderful people that I will never forget." Courtesy of Diana Kirby Student Life fT