2004-2005 Yearbook

SENIOR scon DUTILE RUSHES through Delta State's lineof scrim - mage duringthe Homecom inggameOct 2l at fiot Security Stadium. Althoug hthe Bisons lost 48-14, Dutile contributed eig ht tackles during the game and86 fortheseason. ,A. BEENE T.e. THORNSTENSON rides Harvey the bison during the Homecomin gfootba ll game Oct 2l at first Security Stadium. "[The bison] isagood tradition because he isgoodentertainment, and it Isn't everyday you get to see abison runtrack;' sophomorelogan Hunter said. ,A. BEENE BELTING OUT "WAS I WAZIR;' junior Jeremy Painter plays the part of the Walir during the Homecoming musical, "Kismet;' Oct 18. Painter said his role was self-satisfying because he had the chance to represent an evil character that the audience despised but he loved. 'R. KECK STUDENT LIFE - 14