2004-2005 Yearbook

DRESSEDASA LADYBUG, n.shman AshleyWalker jokes with her sister, junior UndseyWalker, about hercostumein th e student centerNov. 10. AKo JoKai inductee, Ashleyworethe costume asapart ofInductionWeek activities.·A.BEENE FRESHMEN TRVTO FORGET EMBARRASSING MEMORIES PEOPLE - 114 Freshman Ryan Dement said that one of the first days he was in the dorm he went in and lay on a bed that he thought was his friend's. "I started looking around the room and thought, 'Hey, those pictures aren't my friend or my friend's girlfriend,'" Dement said. "It was a moment of horrific realization that I wasn't in the right room." Dement said he didn't bother trying to figure out whose room he was really in "1 ran [out of the room] full speed," he said. While she never entered the wrong person's room, freshman Laura Blount said she was afraid of waking up late and being tardy to class. To make sure she didn't experience this discomfort, Blount said she devised a plan to make sure she would be on time. "I set three alarm clocks one night so that I would be sure to wake up in the morning," Blount said. "[The next morning] each of the alarm clocks went off at different times, and I hit the snooze button each time. I eventually got up and got to class in time." Another cause of tardiness that haunted some freshmen was getting lost and being unable to find their class on time. Senior Nathaniel Barnett remembered experiencing this fear when he was a freshman. "I worried about teachers being mad at me for being late because there are so many buildings and I might get lost trying to find my class," he said. The transition between high school relationships and new relationships in college was sometimes awkward, senior Jason Ayers said. He said a blind date made for an embarrassing situation for him. "] was going on a blind date, and before the date I was talking to the girl who set it up," he said. "I started talking about putting the moves on my date, but I had no idea the girl was sitting right there next to my friend." -AMY IRELAND