2003-2004 Yearbook

n a summer campaign to New Zealand, sopho– Ore Trisha Allie tries to eat a chocolate bar while earing mittens during a group game. The campaign embers attended a family camp where they minis– red to Christians from three different cities in New aland. (Photo courtesy of New Zealand campaign) dose ue Junior Meghan Michaelson, senior Melanie Grady and sophomore Katie Paul joke with each other on a van ride from the Little Rock airport after the Fall River, Mass., 2003 spring break campaign. "During van rides we were really able to connect," Grady said. "We would sing and sometimes talk about what had happened during the day. Sometimes we would just goof off and have fun." (Photo by Renee Lewis) Senior Larry Holliman gives a young boy a piggy-back ride while on the Fall River, Mass., spring break campaign. The group, led by Hol– liman, hosted a four-day vacation Bible school for more than 30 children. (Photo by Renee Lewis) On a 2003 spring break campaign to Tex– arkana, Ark., junior Matt Tignor and sopho– more Jon Aven work in the food pantry at the Dorcas House, a ministry of the Nash church of Christ. Students helped organize and prepare food that would be given to members of the community. (Photo courtesy of Michelle Holeman) campaigns1119