2001-2002 Yearbook

Showing his guitar-playing skills, Ben Hammitt accompanies his girlfriend, junior Julie Wright, in the fall talent show Oct. 20. The Student Activities Committee sponsored two talent shows this year for students to showcase their talent. Senior Aaron Brooks and junior Sam Jones act in "The Good Doctor," a Neil Simon play directed by senior Adam Sullivan. The theater department often held plays in the Little Theater for students to enjoy and for theater majors to earn class credit. Photo courtesy of PR The American Studies Institute Distinguished Lecture Series brought Gen. Wesley Clark, former NATO supreme allied commander, to speak Jan. 22. Former First Lady Barbara Bush came to campus April 21 as part of the series, which also sponsored Dell CIO Randy Mott's Oct. 30 presentation. Reaching down to grab the hand of a fan, Bryan White entertains the students lucky enough to sit in the orchestra pit in the Benson Auditorium during his concert. White performed with Patty Loveless Sept. 22 as part of the concert sponsored by the Student Activities Committee. 22 student life