2001-2002 Yearbook

Sitting on a curb in Edinburgh, Scotland, junior Hannah Alexander and senior Amy Sauls rest during a free travel time for the summer 2001 HUF group. Alexander and Sauls, who spent every free travel together, said the time allowed friendships to be forged quickly. Walking toward an ancient marketplace, juniors Eric Mitchen and Josh Kirby pass the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. The summer 2001 HUF group visited many historic landmarks on a group trip to the capital city. Photo by Courtney Fant Eight members of the fall 2001 HUF group, including sophomores Jeremy Mitchell, Michael Barger, Jonathan Porter, William Cavataio, Kristi Kell, Patricia Luethke, Erin Casey and senior Audreya Cole, enjoy the view from the villa at HUF. The view was one of the best features of villa life. While in a Florence piazza, juniors Michelle Scobba and Stacey Troutman, sophomore Marilee Sutherlin and Dr. Duane Warden, faculty sponsor, eat gelato. The Italian ice cream was a favorite treat of the fall 2001 HUF group. 14 student life