2001-2002 Yearbook

Ill Daniel Adams, M.F.A. Assoc. Prof./Art Beverly Austin, M.A. Ass't. Prof./Art Scott Carrell, D.M.A. Ass't Prof./Music Warren Casey, Ph.D. Prof./Music Mike Chance, M.M. Ass't Prof./Music & Dir. /Bands & Orchestra Steve Choate, M.F.A. Instructor I Art Greg Clayton, M.F.A. Ass't Prof./Art Amy Cox, B.S. Assoc. Instructor I Art Patricia Cox, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof./Music Faye Doran, Ed.D. Prof./Art Clifton Ganus III, D.M.A. Prof./Music Chuck Hicks, M.S.E. Ass't Prof./Music John Keller, Ph.D. Prof. & Dept. Chair/Art Paul Pitt, M.F.A. Prof./Art Arthur Shearin, D.M.A. Prof. & Dept. Chair/Music Neva White, M.M. Assoc. Prof. /Music Practicing during class, freshman Allen Price and sophomore Eric Colgrove work on their group piano assignment. Performance classes, required for all instrumental music majors, gave students experience with different instruments and sounds. Junior Brian Neal plays the kettle drums in his percussion class. Students received hands-on learning experience in many of the music classes Harding offered. 144 academics