2001-2002 Yearbook

P oto b Daniel Dubo's Dr. John Fortner, associate professor of Hebrew and the ancient Near East, expounds on the Bible's wisdom literature during one of his upper-level classes. Fortner taught textual Old Testament classes as well as a class on Near Eastern archaeology. Dressed in Levitical garb, Ors. John Fortner, Mark Elrod and Jeff Hopper stand outside a newly created replica of the Israelites' tabernacle. Each summer, Fortner assists with the tabernacle's construction at three sessions of Honors Symposium, a program for high school seniors held on the Harding campus. Photo by Daniel Dubois Taking a moment to relax, Dr. John Fortner and his wife, Jan Fortner, assistant professor of history, study together at Midnight Oil, just off the Harding campus. The Fortners enjoyed studying topics in history and languages as well as spending time with their son, Josh. dedication 7