Regina 2005-06

' . By Andrea. gowen, ~\~riM

~ ~ 0-. p . 5\ » / ::> ~ . K 'X -· 3 ~ c:s . 3 Q) oO 0 l. t::l :j -· s: 0 :::>

~at\\ Re+re£\t - KiM BoatmttnJ olAf devo plctnned uz, M O(ef'– Y\~h+ re,fYeo+> We, wer.t ~!)h\H -tbi' o. c.oc:t.ottl-- a00 then 1c Hi.9-hw~. We. p\~o:i ~ ~ \'rod cr~ ~ ~·c.e c.("earn, and ha.d G\. pr~eY" S~l~r1.

The Mcyf~ p\c,n\c wets ~ compar:Y pic.nfc. +ha.+ Chi s~ cmd R~ir'la WO(""K.ed ru:, Q S~'liC.e pr-~ec+. We.. wer--e -eaGh PC\id bj -the hou.v and then \C\tev- ~ed -the rnon~ -+o he\p someone e\'ile. An-1-honyJ en; Si!J" de'l'o di..-.ecfor, o~ani-zed i.J- wi+h -\--he help of A\>ou.v devn drr~c+nr:

Regina MJC(o~o Mixer

- ArnnD~· MQn,· Rya-n· Matt· ;re-remy· ~an· Kii:J ·:J~r:_y JCOM[ fD~fJJ!EfD @JJ ~ ~0 J COJl~Mf ~~JT~ J llli:llli!}( ICII1lli:lnll~ll1l~i:lllll J j~~(~j


Hea-+he.r · Llsa. · Ta.v-a · lAuf'..en · AMi".ea Hot C.hotolo.+e Miter Oc..+obex-21

Spa D0;1- Odober Y 1 2005> Re ina ho~+ed o. en do. ..fnv +h WOV\'\€1\ -fo.Gt..d~ ~Yld s+aff o~ ~v-dir13.

Re_ginC\ Sporl-s -Fv.ll zooS . ::nf+bo.ll cll cfl ~3- c 0 - ~ t .- l.Z:> 0- 0-- -. ('\) E C' 6 -- 0 _.Q + 0 tf t2::t,- - D f" ~~~ @ Hoi!Y' ~ine· M<.li~·ltec:tthat· Mcdr· Cow""hl~y-J"-e(ry· Amo.nda· L~~·M-e'q,n MCb\4\· ~4ie· Stat.y· \(o.-\ie ·Kim· Melir'\dQ · \~m ~ tj\ . ~

Amo..ndo. BooK , 'S e.c..ia\ Ac1ivies D·v-.edo0 'anned rutd Dr--~an\zed Ol.AY'"" -fo.l \ rYl iYIDV"" funL -h'Dl') . Fta Foo+-bnll FLAnc.tion Octob-ev- Z2; '2.005 TOLOb · · Do.VI · S+e.p'nC\V'\ \ e KoA·heviYle · Kim · M-elinda· ·Ief"'C)'

"'~' .; ..L~ >1., ,J .~ .•

)(evor ~ L:fndsa_y5 R1·n3 Ce'!emony

Club Week 2005 November (p- Nov-emloeK \1 VP's - Hal0' $ MeJis5a

f1~. l<o.cheJ

LJ'-s.a· A-lana· Mafldi· Melis~·PifK>r· ~a-ther· S-tfphanie ·Carrie Re.beac:t· CJnfhitA A\\ C.\ ub Devo

L\C\SS 2.004 ClC\SS zoos Row I: Ambe.r · R·oev· H-eJ'di· :JiiiJ·aV\ · LD II ; · SoAr\na · P-e.bea:a · And ; • Heo..-thev gow z: Christo·· Taro..· Na.ncv · Ti ffanv · ~V\da · ~eV.O.· \<..ris-hV\e · .I"~ss\Lt:A C.Jo.s~ 200?::> Row I: L\~ · La.wet\ · Col-t~ Row l: 0rr-\-hlo. · Mct0' . Deeno.· u z.. Row z: H~ct+hcv· Ko.-he· · RDw l: Kim· Step'-"a.n(e · Kc.dherir1e· 2:.1\· \Ca.v-o.· Ho.nt'lah· Po.~e · t+ecd·nev Row 3: And(a:.\. Co.vr-\e

C\C\SS WD2 Row 1: Mo.v-1e· sta9· Ka-he· Be+ha~· Ma33i~ ~w z.: u·V)d~)' · H-a1y · A~~ley· Lj()dSJJ.j Clets~ 2..00 l Melinda· Amanda· Mand i · Melissa -.

(:!,,,0,\':. ~~~:- -ro ~,~,)' ,,,,[~ '". C,..J '~"-~ ill -~L- I , f .

Maf\a Ch(\si-mas FtAYIL-h'oVl DeLem'oeV" 3, 21JDS- Wi \dwood Deena· B~ -. ~

. - ·- - d: . ~ ·- New Q\Aeen E~.rluinm-en+ I w . 0

-'N· N 0 0 ~

C5 __a + ~ ~ Ul ~ c:s \::1. cO . ~ C5 0 c > ·- U1 5> c:c Cou.ri-n:>' · H-ea.+her · l+ollj · 5\rlo la · Re.beLLa · Mandi W in+ev 2DDltJ Sprin.9 A+h \e.-he. birec_-l-nrs ·. CouxfY\ej Camp'oe\) He\~ Wo. \ker

\[l --- ~ ·- \..0 (t] c;: ·- ~ c ::5 CSl . ~ ~ ~ 7' -. (t> Vo.lent,'nine 's D~ ZODio The.. Sunsnine b}r\s mod~ lAS -these LAJoV1deY'fu\ _9-l.fts cook.\es!

Ni~h+ lAndev -the. St-ars Mav-ch 4) 2DOlo lir1d~j · fhh(:Y· Bd-ha~· HoJ~· LJndso...J stu.g · mo..v\e· la.u.v-a · Be-+coj F'e.l\Q · fW\-\-V\o~ · IK-ew· Sf€\/.en · DOf\· Ctay · ft\l-en Andr---ea. rad:ie. Lo..u.v-et\' Ca.vYl.f. Heo.-f-VJ-ey. Lisa . Taf'a :r; ll i aV1 · K.rc~tine· Sessi ca.

. -- \.... Jt 1 21 - 0 p

A+ Thhkoda.h Bluff. Regina Spv-i~"~3 Re+r-ea-tMo.~c.n tJI - Ap...-i I Z La.u.ven \a.nned ou'f wondet"ful wee'c.evtd r-e-hr£a+ with th-e. \ae\p of- Sack.le ~ Kim.

· fmthony · Ryo..n .,..,.. .. ~ . 1 411

l~\and Gnie.fWhat Blows lAp Mu-s+ Come Down Cni s,9ma Alpha, 'Ple~ir'\" ~ FY·1ends

Sus+ Bel\ev-el

Marie· Sto.lJ · Ben Mo:\t · Pr5h\ey· 13ethanJ· BvandllVJ· B(artd.M· ~jafl ~-dry· M~~ie · H-al~· Ko:he

She\a·"o n · And~· ~\l \ \a.t1 ::fe-5~\ · ltecrtnev-· Ma.ndi · HaJ~ · Hnl~· Ma~~\e. Ca.«ie· Aa.f"OVI· Sho\a: To.v--a · Mc;tt·\e· 'B~ny Marui\· Co.vrie· Ma.rie· J"essi · Ch~e

CJu.v ~.ea.IJ.v "X. Raton· An+hcn\l· ~Nar\ ·:J-~_r(y· ~\ ~~~ ·JY'crlt· Manny· '\Sen· F"ello. ·D{.evJ J _) ./ J .) cP ~ ~ C) -,, r·~ E p :s [L r:f\ ~ C.:. 'I

Dr-e.w · Befi · A-a.v-on · Fe\ \C\ Amhcr;y ·Dfew· fben · ~\\~· Fella: M.o:tt· Sury Ao..v-on · Ma.r.~ · Rjo..'() Af~w day~ laW F-el\a had -to step Jown %om beir1_9 a beau. beco..use of some per50ncJ pfOb\-ems. We. wefe a\\ ~ sad I

Kfi~rhne · Deena · C:Jt\-\-h i fA H-e..bera-hon __:_ Sprin.9 FVnchon 5o()da.y, A-pvi \ l3> lDoLLJ Kath-erine- SpfJL\cd Ac..-\iv\-h.e£ 'D\rec1-ot- 5-pri03

- Senior Tea Sunday> Apr\ 1 30} 200lo- \Vl(~. D\xcYl's H-ouse The~e wer-e both -Dm\\es and +-ea.Jb w\1-n so ma.oy 5enioV"S \eavin_g. 1hey -each received w~ no-\--ec;. fv'-om +h~ wov'Vlen of ~ina and aVl a\buM Y\i~hli_gh+t~ -their -tiMe in ~ina. Betsy· LD.ura · Mo.ggie · Ho.l~· Lau~a · Ljvtdso.y · '?-.\YV\ MCAnd\ · Asn\~j· MOt(\e · ~· Me~CAn

--Regina-- April 16, 2006