Regina 1987-88

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HERKAMEL JUST ~HAT TH£ HE:CK IS ON OURPLATE5? \ WHERE po THf.Y M1A ,..f; [,IKE. NAr•r --niAT? T t w£NEEP J./IJ~RY UP, VINC pFRoNT/ (riO~£ ST0K5 U ALI<14HJ; 17~~~:~·' JIJS1 Ka I PIIN1S tJI{ ,. T ~ ... 0~1.·"·"~ LnnJted Delivery Area Pizza iaa® GfrINFoPIZZA INN. $5. 5 DELfVEI(y SPEciAL"""' (\ Get A i'!edhun Thin CnJst p~ With Up To 2 TopPlng<o Por $5.75. lYot Valid With Any Other Offer. $I.OQ fxtra Por Pan Pill<! Or £$ The lYatnraJ. y~~iftQ. ~ ............. _ --------

• • •

The Communication and Music Departments of Harding University Music by Richard Rodgers Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II present Homecoming '87 • A Royal Weekend Goo Luct{ To E:vtrtyoNt IN THE. K'NG anct.I 'Y • Wt-' So '-------------, 'PRouo ofyou .1 13~t&AI( ALtG'

• • Harding University Homecoming October 30-31, 1987 featuring CCThe CZKtttg attd 9 ------------------Schedule Wednesday, October 28 • Queen candidates presented in chapel Thursday, October 29 Pep Rally 5:00 p.m. - Golden Circle dinner Olen Hendrix Building Friday, October 30 Queen is crowned in chapel 1:00 p.m. - Registration, Lobby American Heritage Center 3:00-6:00 p.m. - Admissions Information Booth, Student Center 4:15-6:00 p.m. - Chili Supper for students 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Black &Gold Banquet Distinguished Alumnus Award Saturday, October 31 8:00-9:30 a.m. - Complimentary Continental Breakfast, Student Center 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. - Admissions Information Booth, Student Center 9:45 a.m.-11:00 a.m. - Alumni Chapel (Class of '62 in charge) 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. - Social Club Reunions 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. - Belles & Beaux 12:30 p.m. - 25th Anniversary Class light Luncheon, Olen Hendrix Building TICKETS 12:30 p.m. - 50th Anniversary Class luncheon Heritage Room, American Heritage Center 2:45 p.m. - Football Game - Harding vs. UA-Monticello 3:00 p.m. - Reception for Morrilton Alumni Olen Hendrix Building 8:15 p.m. - Homecoming musical, "The King and I" (See schedule for Class, Club and Special Reunions) 8:15 p.m. - Homecoming Musical, "The King and I" See Order Form in the Alumnotes section of this Bulletin. Saturday, Oct. 31 1937 - Memorial Field £g the football game at ap5:00 p.m. ~partment - Informal reception Stevens Art Gallery, 9:00-12:00 a.m. Business Associates Breakfast Meeting, Lobby and room 107 in the Mabee Business Building, 8:00-9:30 a.m. Campus Players, Alpha Psi Omega, Drnma with cast of "The King and !" after Friday night's performance. Location to be announced. Fonner Bowlers- Reception honoring Ed Bu rt who is retiring in December. Bison Lanes, 5:30 p.m. (after the ballgame). Call Charles Howell at (501) 279-2091 if you plan to attend. Fonner Football Players and Cheerleaders - Reception following foot– ball game in Room 100 of Ganus Athletic Center. Golden Circle Charter Night - Dinner at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, October 29, in Olen Hendrix Building. 10 - HARDING UNIVERSITY BULLETIN 1952 - Department - lntOJ~-....._ and tour of the "'"'rr11n<1 Laboratory, hosted Science Building, room 70, u .......r.,..~... Morrilton Alumni Reception - Hendrix Building, 3:00-4:00 p.m. §.c!hooi o~ Nursing Come & Go third floor, Olen Hendrix Building, 10:00-11 :30 a.m. Club Reunions - Saturday, Oct. 31 "Beta Phl Kappa - Reception, Bible 206, 10:00-11 :30 a.m. Chi Alpha Rho - Reception, Bible 202, 10:00-11 :30 a.m. Galaxy - 40th Anniversary Reception, 10:00-11 :30 a.m. Location to be announced. Gata - Breakfast in American Studies, room 114, 10:00-11 :30 a.m. Ju Go Ju- Tea in Ganus Building, Room 112, 10:00-11:30 a.m. ..n"",u...... Phi Mu - Reception in Sears Con– ference Room, 10:00-11:30 a.m. Sub-T - Reception at King's Inn, 3109 E. Race, 10:00-12:00 a.m. TNT - Harris Cafeteria, downtown Searcy on the square, 11 :45 a.m. Tri Kappa/Kappa Sig - Reunion in Recording Center, 10:00-11 :30 a.m.

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• • r-..-. ·LEAJlNE BA~ER. VICE ~Rt:.Sf\)ff1~. •DAtJN H .......... · Do&~IJ EvOolraEc)t,A ...Lt CL.A'frOJ.J ..._ jur GRAY • 1\lSSA -rHoJ\AS

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lfUIDTES Devo by Beau Terry Dues are 30.00 dollars. This includes the price of the Banquet. They're due Feb. 15 Remember to be committed to the person 'vho is your special fr/end. Spring Banquet is April 15 at the Airport Hoilday Inn in Little Rock. Remember the restictions that Leanne read about banquet dresses. If you want a box partner and feel you can committ to it, sign the list or let Kelly know. Continuing checking the box for in~ormation about Spring Sing practices. March 17--a pici..ure with XEA is beu13 pl.s.nned •• The valentines Party is Feb. 11. Tne the~ is de~ctives or gangsters. It will be helJ in the recording studio. No-·Dates! A possible devo with two girls clubs is being planned for Feb. 5. at Berry Hill Park. There is a meeting for the Pledge Heek Committee Tues. Feb. 26 at 9: oo. Happy Birthday to our Birthday girls this month--Brenda Battles, Suzie Gray and Erica Walker. CONGRADUEATIONS TO SUZIE GRAY ON HER ENGAGD1ENT.

• • A~ UlUAL., 1\E.f.INA TtfO\IGifT' SHa w~s r.oH,aA F~u. ·AM~T••.. TH•! w"J TtcCi N•..,~ .~ TttG 6•x AFTI!tt. TliU ~ ,_€':~~ oFleAct.S~ ~ "T"Mu4S l\.e-1Uil .-f~D To ~o-...~'-. .

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Dear Regina, This is just a note of thanks for your hard work and encouraging spirit during the Spring Sing rehearsals. You have been good sports all around and have been a real pace setting example for me and the Chi Sig brothers. I consider it an honor to have you as my sister club. I have enjoyed getting to know you better and really am excited about the opportunities that are ahead for that relationship to you. Let me say now that t am proud of you, and I respect you . No matter what happens Saturday night, April 2, I have been blessed by God already in the fellowship we have shared. Keep up the good work, and most of all, keep your eyes on Him. ~1 I love you with the love of the Lord, I see in you, the glory of ~ King, ~ And I love you with the love of the Lord . ~

• • G-KE!l--r wC7;:_Ktvr L4-.s1 /{//&-Jfr Cll-J/G-. (6u rfl-L LCKJKLYJ svP~. ::rt0 1 .4-~rY7E"' To r:£/l?l,;trj) Yc:X/ A-t!bvj fJJ?Ac-7/cFO/VTf(/,CSZJ/l-1/ /J;itlf( /(-/ ?;3:::> //[/IT/£' A-DI?J/#15~(7C!)AJ ~;?'CJ;Q'O»J. Col??~12E7M'I ~ce /1-tf/~~ wor!(c::vr/l;t/!J L-oT-S aF· Fv!V !5!( II!/&--/1- Fte/C3f(f) .1 The Orient Express ... Don't Leave Hotne Without It Regina and Chi Sigma Alpha Mike Andersen Lamima Gilbert Shelley Privett Mike "Cooler" Anthony Alice Gill Mary Pyne Laura). Baker (D) Brad Gist Mindy Raines Leanne Baker (Ch) Caroline Gist Melissa Renfrow Michelle Barbeau John Griffith Maria Reynolds Donnie Barber Myca Hagood Jill Richards Beth Battles Clay Harland Susan Richardson Scott Belin (Ch) \ Adrian Harris Mary Alice Routon Jimmy Benney Mark Haynes Robert San Juan (Ch) Terri Benney Dawn Helm (Co) Ward Sandlin Mark Blue Tony Hill Tony Santellan Harold Bradley Holly 1-fladky Jana Sholey Frank Bunner Terry Hobbs Susan Silliman Lisa Burley Tom Hobbs Gerry Smith Clarence Cannon julie Holloway Kamy Smith Dawn Cantrell Lucille Hoy Christy Spivey Deanna Cariker Holly Hughes John Sullivan Rae Anne Carr Don jacobs Michelle Sullivan Linda Clayton Tom King Eric Swenson Michelle Crawford Brian Lee Jeff Tacker Lisa Crocker Paul Lockhart (MA) Ram Tackett Jerry Cutshall Darin Long Terrance Talley joe Daniel Alan Mashburn Kelly Thomas David deSambourg Brian Mashburn Marisa Thomas Richard deSambourg Scott McGee (Sd) Errica Walker Susan Dell Chris McHan Virgil Walker Whitney Donaldson Becky McKinnon Jay Watkins Conrad Ekkens (MA) Todd Miller Lori Westbrook Samantha Farrar Andy Mitchell Samantha White Jeff Feizien Stacie Moore Kristine Witzeling Greg Fraley (D) Sean Neill Nathan Yoder David Gaskin Chris Olive (Bd) Deana York (Ch) Sheila Gaskin Paul Orlando Tony Lee Gentry Debbie Pierce

SPRING SING 1 88 AWARDS Congrat ul ations are in order for every club production that contributed to another out standing Spring Sing. You are all to be commended for exceptional talent and dedica– tion. Below are the results of t J1e judges' decisions, decisions which, every year, are applauded by many and questioned by others. Nevertheless, know that your creativity is provoking the most compl~ntary feedback. We're proud of you! PAL~TICIPATION AWARD ~~inner: 1st Runner Up: 2nd Runner Up: 3rd Runner Up: 4th Runner Up: THEME AWARD Winner: 1st Runner Up: 2nd Runner Up: 3rd Runner Up: 4th Runner Up: HUSIC AWARD Winner: 1st Runner Up: 2nd Runner Up: 3rd Runner Up: 4th Runner Up: COSTUME AWARD Winner: 1st Runner Up: 2nd Runner Up: 3rd Runner Up: 4th Runner Up: IF AT FIRST YOU OON'T SECEDE SANTY CLAUS TAKES A SANDY PAUSE THE ORIENT E.xPRESS . -. -· OON _'_T _u;A~_JiQ~ J~l'I'H.OUT .IT JUST ClOWNIN I AROUND PAINTIN' THE TOWN SANTY CLAUS TAKES A SANDY PAUSE JUST ClOWNIN I AROUND 1!:lli _o:p.JEJ1I'_EXPRESS . . . [)()N I~ ~VE HOME WITHQU'f_IT HERE 'IDDAY, GONE TO MAUl IF AT FIRST YOU OON1 T SECEDE THE ORIENT EXPRESS. • -~ - . -- OON ~T-~~ _l:IQ.ME WlTHO_Q'!' - ~_! IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SECEDE HERE TODAY, GONE 'ID MAUl JUST CIDWNIN I AROUND SANTY CLAUS TAKES A SANDY PAUSE JUST CLOWNIN I AROUND IF AT FIRST YOU OON'T SECEDE HERE 'IDDAY , GONE 'ID MAU I SANTY CLAUS TAKES A SANDY PAUSE ALL BOTTLED UP CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD Winner: 1st Runner Up: 2nd Runner Up: 3rd Runner Up: 4th Runner Up: JUST CI.OONIN I AROOND 'l'Ii£i 0BIENT EXPRES_? ~---· • DON 1_T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT_ IF AT FIRST YOU DON 'T SECEDE SANTY CLAUS TAKES A SANDY PAUSE HERE 'IDDAY GONE TO MAO I SWEEPSTAKES AWARD Winner: 1st Runner Up: 2nd Runner Up: 3rd Runner Up: 4th Runner Up: JUST CLOWNIN' AROUND IF AT FIRST YOU OON'T SECEDE THE ORIENT EXPRESS • . • OON' T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT tiERE roDAY G<iiE rom Sfu~ CLAUS TAKES A SANDY PAUSE

• • ·--' \' c ;-i ,·· ' . .-.. i . I (_) ,-, p I !~· \ \ L \ '.,......,/ t ~ p- l ,/ \ \ '\ ?"· --. ~ r:· .. r ,... ! ._..) -::_ ---...,...~ I I l I l --~. /\\ \OA \1 I ., ,, , 1 •./i-, • ._1 "' -L-1\JfV i j I ..

• • • A\~() REGINA SPRING BANQUET The Holidome April 15, 1988 lUOl[L WO~NCE[QO§ R£.<;1~~ F\~~T rf\t:1'\E(\E

• • •

Jtl\ ~ , ~#'If. ., Oi\'1\0 ~M«iLSCI\,. .Ju,.,jgi Ho..t...owA"f TO OA ,./ N' ~ t. ~ \.~ 1-. - ..,..... _, a~. .,. ...,. Ii"' ft. ~"• "'~ f" I w ,_,.., ..... /11111r/a (ild _RmiCI':J lit. I£ ~ til~ -c;.~~ ~,-v .. " <.C)C..JC..

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'"- f Dates to re~e~ber· APril 19- votin9 on beaux APril 25- votin9 on new officers. If ~ou are ordin9 t-shirts for the Banquet} Please Pa~ Holl~ !··~ l .::i. (jk~~ i·-,.3. l f· ()r· t.!· .., i:::· (~ c:' ~::. t r1 (:i i.r.l •: ·r !···~ .3. !::. l,~.i () u. l. (:1 t::~ (· :t ::::: :• ;;2 :;::i II If ~ou are wr-itin9 a check} Please ~ake it Pa~able to Athlets c: !···, () :i. .:::: ~~:· ~ Pi•=·I;,U.t"•:· t. i.l,.!•::~ J. ~:. f' :i. 'C!J.l"i ~~ h•::·1··e. ..q...l,.tl'""·"::.cLI.:,, f=ir• I"' i. I. ? } l. :):;::::~::} !.•.i i. l::.i···; >JJ! <!.t ~j : l ~:::; .::f.C:I· 0:~:.::::. fr··:::q·,·, nu.:···<:?.(::•J•"• D.::l.l·""·'(f ~.t. the l?ea.l. :i. ·!::.~:1 Ho:::;u.::::.e, -r~ This ThursdaJ there will be a devo with Kirei fro~ 10-ll in the StePhens third floor stud~ Loun9e. Also, if an~one 1s interested in babJ sittin9 at the Colle9e Church Frida~ the 22nd. Please contact Marsia Tho~as. Pl~~se ~ake an~ chan9es} additions or corrections that need to L' i:::· r,.i J..::! ·:::· (:' r, t.l,., ~::· .::1. c: t. i :,/ (:· 1i ~::. 1::. :i. 'i"! t. !· ..1~? t)() >:: .. Re9ina ' s Ma~ Fete rePresentative will be Beth Battles. I: :i. 1·"· ·!~. J···! c! .;:i. ~::1 :~~ : Kell~ Tho~as-March 28 Debbie Pierce-March 29 Rae Ann Carr- APril 8 ::::u.z i ,,, . ,::: :i. 1. '1. :i. r.-,.::•. r; ..· rir> r· i "!. J J. • • I

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