Regina 1983-85

AIphi Chi induct;-new b ~he University Eta chapter of AI · mem e rs Chl, a national honor society h P~ Kays, Jayn Knapp, .M'errlll M A ducti~n. ceremonies Wednesday 'oc~l~7 ~- ~ebkorah McAfee, DaVid McFadde:x;~ mer1can ijeri ~g~4udit . . · , 1n ar o 48 new members., , onum mducting Brent Pickens, Charles Pittm . dm~t~nn~~r~emB~rls are: ~ances Ad- ::~~d,T~rles~~~th, Donna ~o;~l m a a nes, CY!lthia Brazzel Sb .c.uwm Van der K . ·· ' :hebeccBa Brenneman, Sharon Brown ' ~~on ]Waldrop, GJoria West Step~:~ aron . urgess, • ese , Debra Woodell J' Debora Burkett Brad Burt Sb 11 brough. • ames YarCagle~ Curtis Cl~ents Fra '. J ey New officers for AJpba Chi ar Ed . ~~~~aon,c~tri!n~~~~~:?naniel , KO:t :r~~~~trr~~~:t~~':%J:u:~n, v~; Robyn Edwards, ~aren Fiippin, Linda and Kent We~b~ treasurer. ' eetetary, Ford, San~a f razier, Joseph Gilpin In order to bemducted into AJpba Chi ~sga ~OOdson, Debbie Grant Brencta ~~dent must be a junior or senior ~~ H Jl. odnrue Hill, Pamela Holladay Roger 80 e earned a 3.75 grade point average on o oy , or more hours or a 3 5 gr d · . Tania Houk:, Ten:i Jewell Brenda a~e~age on more than lo4 hoU:S e .f:mt Johnson, Ra)lmond Johnson , Gregory ~Jble, a stud~nt must~ at ieast ~ ~5T --- I . ours at the Uwversity. :rYe\< 7' aR ~\): ' l II Gea1. . • U 1HE BISON, Searcy, Ark. 72143, Oct. 12, 1984 Weeklyidorm prayer meetings begun ~~o~u,~~~~ ~~~el,ey • lobbies of all the dormitories. They last an Pattie Cobb, Lynn Dowdy, LeAnn Penaverage of 15 minutes. dergrass and Fran Schmittle; in Cathcart, In response to student requests , the campus ministry has instituted weekly dormitory prayer meetings. Every dorm has a p~ay~r request_ box Holly Hladky, Jana Thompson, LeeAnn and a r_eq~est sheet which IS turned 10 to Baker and Juanine McNally; and in the the Sm1th s weekly to keep them ~pdated New Married Students' Apartments, on campus needs. Also, there w1ll be a Rhonda Seay and Mary Beth Hill. prayer request sheet posted in the student The Smiths mainly want the meetings to center. _ . . center around their "six prayer method": News.~ Every year around Ghristmas time, Dwight and Barby Smith, the campus minister and his wife, send out letters to the student body asking for suggestions. And every year says Barby Smith, one of the main requests is,' 'When are we going to start having campus prayer meetings? '' This year 1 she adds, something is being done about it. In A.mencan Rentage Dormitory the sr-L'- -' ...... ~..h;,,t short nravers simnlP prayer m·eeting lead~ are Cary Daniel, p H • . d- b Todd ~try and Jon Wood; in Ketler, 8 onor SOCiety In ucts mem ers At the beginning of this semester, three students were chosen from each dormitory on campus to be leaders of individual prayer meetings within their dorms. Others were chosen to assist them. And together lh'ey share the .responsibilit,ies Qf fmdi~g oul exactly who does need prayer, makmg these needs known to others in thei'r group and getting the group together to pray. The prayer meetings are held every Tuesday night at curfew in the main Greg Sublett, Gregg Lawrence and Todd Thompson ; in Harbin, Jim Ma1:1tin, Brett Curtis·and Mark Adkinson ; i-n Grad, Farin Crone, Kevin Fuchs and Lonnie Jones : and in Armstrong, Tom Martin and Jeff I Slater. ' In Stephens Dorm the prayer leaders are Alice Mankin, Terr): Leddy and Sani George; in S~ars, Karen McLarty and Glenda Collier; in Kendall Lee Ann Exum, Lisa Lilly and Vickie Cutts; in Twenty-one new members were in– ducted 'into Kappa Delta Pi, the national educat!on honor .sQciety, Sunday night, ~ccoramg to Angte Stalans, president. !he new members are Dorothy Bell, Michael Boustead, Mark Brown, Billie Diles, Colleen Daugherty, Sarah Lei~ Felps, MelodyHarrell, Lori Hockenberry Julie Holder, RGy Holland, Denise Huff– man, Kenneth P. Martin Jr., Wendy Lee Massey, KarenMcLarty, Lea Ann Morr~. Shari Nelson, Lore_ne Pagcaliwagan, Tnena Ranae Snider, Angela Spoto, Gary Lee Stapleton and Deborah L . Weatherington. ~e U~ver~ty s Nu Lambda chapter ex:u;ts prunarily to promote leadership in education for thos.e who seek careers as teachers. Members are exclusively from the teacher education prog,r~ and must have_a minimum grade point ave_rage of 3.0on&a or more hours. The society is open to both graduates and undergraduates. Tb~s year's officers are Sta)ans, pres1dent ; Moll~ Daniel , secretary ; Brenda Wheaton, treasurer· Terri Davis vice president; and nebbi .Richards' historian-public relations. The club'~ sponso~ is Dr. Wyatt Jones., professor of education.