Regina 1981-82

3d~t. and 5tf~ts. Cha~tles G. !fleste't ~tequest the honoui of you'L p'tesence at the maHiaqe of t/1ei~t daughte'L J{a'Len. g~tances to 9:heodo~Le !flamilton son o/ 5M~z . and 5J1~zs. G~Lnesf !f{. fPa'T.ks, f}'L. on Satu'Lday, the twenty=sixth o/ gune ninetem f1und'T.ed and eiq/liiJ=lwo at /ou't o'clock in the a/te'tnoon. .!Jlixson Cfw~zch o/ Ch~tist C f1aftanooqa, S:ennessee !Reception immediately /allowing