Regina 1964-76

XEA chl slgllla alpha laa•dlq c:oUege seuc:.s '1'~143 October ?l9, 1972 ifhe men of Chi Sigma Alpha extend to the women OJ.. Regina this invitation to become our sister club. Because of your consistent efforts to excel, superior ~uality of membership, and intrest in service to God, we feel that a union of our clubs would be profitable to both. In order to form a more perfect union, we feel that the following guidelines are in order. I. The items that the clubs can be expected but not required to participate in: A. Mutual support of each others athletics. B. Combined functions such as devotionals, outings, cook-outs or parties. These functions could be declared as stag outings by mutual consent. II. 'I'he i terns which are independantly optional: a. .Sele@tion of the queen or beau. B. Invitations to official club functioms. III. Other poss;lbilities: A. Support of Harding athletics. B. Common service projects. IV. To continue this agreement, both clubs •1 must renew their commitment at the laft meeting of each Spring semester. This agreement becomes effective upon your written acceptance of this invitation. 1 .. fb.e brotherhood of Chi Sigma Alpha sincerely re~uests your careful consider– ation and loads forward to your acceptance. £or the men of Chi Sigs, p~~t~ ~ar £~;/cas1 ~~r (1/.:i 'iC] b"o/~u-:, (lj)_fJ., aH~ i ~t ui'/V~fJW~ l XEA c:hl slgllla alpha C>,liiJ u.s iw a£ew rnonreil s '1,jwe~c/-e.vo0·ow'fo our if~aveult; Pa'1k r ~·s ,fli.otAJa~ eveu iwv; ,, vv .J.-'D1 a-1 I0 :0 ') I ,.,._. Y-U-e <f~ (!Or/ rooYJtt (M-t7) 0 -f cf~u /'fJu ~~ 0 hw/c(; u:; . /y?7 {UL ~ ~~~~:rA7~ !f~t. Ar~;Afl ~ /tJ:/ st~ )//c. /}f/:!G, -f: ~ ?~'~Y./?t'~~~ --;;r;' ~/ /-5c ~ t'~u:'c:>'t"'G . /f)c.tA!~ ?/c ~-~(~~ «)79-<.drX -;1. ~,_.PPA Z.e<.tX;4/ /{, ·~ .d'o/ 1t' t7 {!)~ ?:Jf::-:7 c;; tf6K>t'/l' Yke~2?y %~: 7//b~\.. !l yuf