
In the Fall semester people like Mark Tay l or. a,.:sC.Itd'fo Jason Huff, Mark Drum, Mark Prior. Da1e Shee h y and James Bennett pain t e d a new sign for t h e baseball field. <J}y die pow~r of tft~ Cross... "Dc<.l•ca•c• l t.n tho e who lwc J-hudtn • Mr . Florence M Cathcart g I loyd 0 ndr l .1 I. Nu,. the foot- hills of the 2. o,,.;,.~;ln t~end·e,.d ,, he,. 3. Herd-;ng o - pens w:dt h.,. ~~f= _I f e-t Oz. - ar\:.s, Mids~ of hill l nd mo\: - ~o ~ c~, _ ~;." ,,r. P1 • ,.. por - bls • Thus • •s sl' ••ttd '"- .,·, ... i ..- - •n ( e I 'ry branch of: Who would ~read ~he pa~h ~o ~~-Mrl-1 ~~ • f Hard- ind ! • 1 u b " - mol ""' - ter , Hatl ! Compostd m 19~4 Compliments of and social clubs HARDIN G U N I v E R S I T Y An Education As Strong As Our Faith King's Men in the Spring Semester put in the Alma Mater in the book in the Benson Auditorium. OEGE. Jst row: He.nher Dree,,en.Jan.l ~u Ande~on, Jenrufer Yontz. CJm:,t\ Lamp Gin~er Gcer. 2nd roll': 'h.10non Hoc:m Ronda~·orman.Cara\\'alker 0:1\\'ll Pmner Am •Paddo~.":k , .\tichde \X'in1er J•ll :\i,..,mg 3rd row: Taran R.l"lin:;, OJm~a Lt:J\ d l Julie Crockeu. Julie' Ni,..,mg (hn:;unt: Palmer. ~lt~.hdleTillett,Jenntfer \'\ tllte -ttb mw: Sherrie L:mam, Jan Gent~> Grt:tt hen Fren~.h ,]eJnnellt: Ptdd~>sllllt:r "r::.~~t'\' fu(ker, T\ Renken -tbn u D '"' n PI.IU. l hnt '\t;~pp T~:m L. LchmJnll \lli.!IL Hughan. Chn~ \ olleu. jo~h 0 I\ 1s ) ill: ~heeh\