
PRES I DENT's H1STORY, K :1 NG' S MEN 1977- 1978 by Gary Jones In the last c lub meeti~ g o f the 1977 _spring semes t er King ' s Men t ook unpre– cedented action in re-el ecting me as pres i dent . The door wa~ opened for any can– didate to run again but ~as done so very.careful ly . Any act1~n foll owing t his dent should be considered very cauti ous ly because a president wie lds a gr t prece . 1 d f h. . ea deal of influence and untess the r e 1s a rea nee or sue act1on it mi ght best be avoided. . . . Fellow officers we re : Ken Ke ll y (VIce- Pres . ) , Mark Brasher (Sec . ) , Doug Hudson (Treas .) , Kr~eg At t e rber ry (Devo . Ch rmn . ) , and Eugene Connor (Par :1 • ) • Queen also for the second consecuti ve year wa s Betty "Twi ggy " Hiteman . Sponsors were Ed White and Chuck Hic ks; Athleti c Direct o r- Benjie Nal I; Sp r ing Sing Director _ Tim Woodrqo f. Of our greatest accomplishments was a good vot i ng system for new members coming in. It is based almost e xclusivel y on the pa rti c i pat ion of t he prospec– t ive members. They are given a I ist of members an d t o ld t hat the more t hey see the more chance they have of getting in. In our voti ng we stood by th is standa~d and each member was given a I ist of the prospecti ve members . We discus sed each one wi th reference to their participation. Each membe r was allowed a ce rtain number of votes and he circled those he voted for and t hey we r e counted. This gave us our basic number and we then considered a few mo r e t o meet our predeter– mined maximum - if any others were wanted. Our votin g lasted only a couple of hours wh ich is the best time ever for elections. I would h i ghly recommend its use in the future. It provides a neutral voting system that p l aces t he burden on the prospective members. Our rationale was this: If we want above al I else to have our members active then why not make that the test fo r new membe rs? Our pledge week was, once again, very successful and was devel oped over about a s ix week period. A committee was composed of radical an d con servat ives that really proposed a well balanced week. The regret that I ha ve is in t he degree of "roughness" on rough night. I think the amount of "roughne ss" shou ld be more c1 ose ly regulated. To bring our club closer the Executive Counci I planned an "a l l night stag out ing". I thin k this really helped and would recommend it highl y as an annual ~v~n t. Other outings we had included a canoe trip, a Chri stman party, and a vis– Iting party with Jack and Maime Watts. . Sports, once again, provided sources of unifi cati on and our spi r i tual emphaSIS was greatly imporved by prayersateve ry pr acti ce and every game . I highly commend Benjie Nal I for this. "' .spring Sing wa s won for a THIRD time by Kin g ' s Men and OEGE wi t h the theme ·.lltu s 1 ca t Notes " under Tim Woodroof's directi on. It i s a cant i nua I source of ctoseness fo r t he two c lub s and should al ways be seen from tha t perspective. Our banque t .got even bette r thi s yea r as we had the theme of "W i Id West Round Up " ·w · · · · ~ · e enJoyed tht s at the An de r son ' s Res t aurant in Beebe . . O~r sp r ing b rea k campai gn proved to be a fab ul ous s'uccess un der the able d t rectt on of Greg St udebake r. It was he l d i n Way nes boro , Virg i nia where Doug an d Ma r k Hudson we re memb e rs . Our st~e ngths in c luded s pir i tua l emphas i s and de legati on of authority. Our weaknesses Inc luded a lack o f c l ub sp i r it and some ap athy among members . r~ (kr :st Our • "