
'For the Love of Angels ' The \\eep take trophy and first place prize of $200 each to EGE and King's 'len social clubs wa awar~ed last Saturday ·ght to the clubs for their pring Sing production ••For the Loy( of Ang 1 .' Their performance ~lso "on three of the four m– ·, idual categories; theme, mus1c and choreography. RND Begtnning the year w1th a skating party, Kmg's Men invited the1r Sister club, OEGE, to JOin in the fun. The two clubs also worked on Spring Stng together and gave th ir production the theme, "Dev1ls and Angels " Besides being active in the usual sports, King's Men also took time out for sw1mming and track and field intramurals. Their B team tn football worked hard to captLt re second place whtle their p team took the championship 10. ~olleyball. The club's spring banquet was held at the Holiday 1nn at Jacksonville tn the appropriately named Ktng's Inn. As a special service project , the members visited their "foster parents" each week and presented the couple with a lamp for their home at Christmas. The club took time out to take dates to Camp Tahkodah on an all day excurston in March. The day was ended by the officers serving the guests a formal dinner. During spring break, King's Men went on campatgns to Atben~ Qhio, to help spread the ggspeJ ~---..~.,...._..~~-----~----...,_-- OEGE Helping in blood drives on campus as tne1r service proJect, mefnbers o{ Oegt continued to be bus}' thrcHICJhout the year. A hay ride among members allowed the club to be drawn together in fellowship. W ith brother club, King's Men, t he club members enjoyed a skat ing party and numerous devotionals. They participated in softball , volleyball, speedball, flag football and basketball. ~~Devils and Angels" served as the Spring Sing production. 1. Shock2. Sm~he3. ~4. KuhnS. Alexander G. F~~. Gilberts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manners 9. M Cox 10 Kellum 11 . Ratliff 12. Deacon 13. Sanders 14 Rvot 15. B. Cox 16. May 17. Stacy 18. Pcsrker 19 Owens 20. Foley 21 S•mmons 22 Mitchell 23. McDougle 24 Lapp 25. Rummell 26. Perkms 27 Flem1ng 28. Platy 29 lovell 30. Brooks 31 Guthrie 32. P•gg 33 G1bson 34 Hutson 35. Smart 36 G1les 37 Dnskell 38. H1teman 39 • Langford.