
Ed White as~ustant professor of Engh h. was chosm b\ the semor cia for dt'drcatron of the • '76 Petit .It-an, and ~t·mor ROC\ Cochran \\8!1: ('hOS('O ~ the t;etit Jean Queen for thrs ear w t • spen90I' for Km~ Mensocral club. 1~ on th<' boardof LheSearcyOptJmtst club. andhas w rked rnam times with thE" Red eros bloocf drne on campus Kim Moss. ass1stant ed•t.or, pre ented him \\ itll th~ f1_rst }carbook at ded!catwn ceremonies ) esterday m the main auditorium Mi~s Cochran \\as the nommation of Kmgs Men Socml Club. he is a specwl educ tt ton major from Hobbs. New .Mextco, and served as tud~nt A ociation secretary thi. yc4 r . 1 Queen's court included 1\h~ s Linda McClurg from pringfieJd. Mo., and .MLs Joyce Hichardson of Little Rock Miss McClurg, an elementary education major repre ented Theta Tau I_clta . M1ss Richardson. a busmess management major. was Sub-T's representative . 1\liss .Mona Smelser Honors eciitor. pre~ented Miss Cochran with roo r e . Mter the introductjon of the 1976 Petit Jean staff by Editor Andr a Mannen, tudent Life editor Tom Buterbaugh unveiled th gmnt rephca of the co' r, \\hich th1s year sported national colors in recognition of the Bicentennial celebration. The embossed cover featured a navy blue picture panel surrounded t>y red and blue !inework and the 76 symbol in stars and stri~s. the Petit Jean name appeared in navy below the '76. \ssistant professor of English gd Whitt•, to whom the l'«'tit Jt•an wus dt·dk:•tMl. accepts the first l!l76yt•arbook from t•ditm· Andn·a Mann..n. St·nior Nancy Cochran watt chosen as Petit J• an Quct•n fol' thit; yt•ar.