Alpha Psi Omega

•'\..ea:<l"e tili u_.v,.ete.S a. ,, ~\ot\e ''Please\ let US tnove the piano" ••scP-oo\ ,, ~a~.,e HARDING ACADEM"\ "Only one week to go." ''o sci) llr bil o01 J:Jq?,, .,. e.\ '•w l:Jel:Jcl?tch ~··" ~ ''l b t better e ffood'' Presents 0 u R M I s s f 8 R 0 0 K s Directed by EILEEN SNURE. TRIO MUSIC ART DRAMA By MEREDITH THOM ~llllJ!ilj#.l!n,,,,, .. m!otmmna>iiiil!,i•iill"""'''''' Iii''' "''"''"'""""'"i1ilit~ The First Annual White County Ar · Exhibit will be held April fourteenth to the twenty first. You may enter the exhibit if you live in White County and are over twelve years of age. 'All entries: are due April twelth at the Harding• Art· Department and each amateur is limited to five enteries. Any medium, such as oil, clay, gouche, watercolor, or wood will be1 accepted. Each entry should contain the name, artist, address, and price. All of you will be interested in knowing that there is no fee yet there is a first and second prize, along with three honora:ble mentions. The works of art that are1 seleCted by the jury will be on exhibit; in Ganus Student Center. With the Small Chorus in Oklahoma: this week-end the campus has that; "shrunken" atmosphere, or is it the1 · weather? These trips certainly aid in the growth of Harding and other trips in the fields of art and dramatics would _do likewise. Exhibits could be put on the f(ra!td" acs ~eU CIS three set pr<lduc.. tions, such as last week's play with it's limitless appeal. At Htu·ding we sing- ! -·· ~ yes, and let·'s •let the 'W0l'ld-'1mow.. that we are capable in other fields too. Next Thursday, Johnny Brown will p1·eMnt his one act play "The Opening of a Door," written by WRll Spence. The cast lor this one net Aupe'l'nntutal drama includes Martha Sue Davis as Esther Frnser, Charles Pittman as JHartin Fraser, Ma1·,g·aret Willis ns Ruth Pal·– r;sh, Ge11e Robinson as Owen Bennett, Mary Blansett ns '.Mrs. Pa1·rish, and La Verne C1·owson ns Lottie. The clim.'lx. has been seldom matched for e.'<cite– ment, dramas, and supernahil'al tel'ror. "Connecticut Yanl•ee'' wa.s well pre– sented and w"e11 received considering the numerous handicaps. Each member of the ca:st was adequate and thu~ is not always true of a cast of twelve. You~· inte1•est and comme11ts on these lru•ge productions are always app1·eciatecl. Jsince they requitre :t great deal of time and effort. That tune and effort 'vas I awnrded the final pe1iormance by an undescrll:>able feeli11g of satisfaction of doing a good job, try it sometime! During m¥ last visit to the new auditorltlm I noticed a welcome pl·o– gress. The change in sizes of auditor– hans will be a welct)me one. 1\-lake-up will be bolder and voices Jo~1der, al– though the competition of the heating system in the l1ig_h school auditorium is good practice. · Plan now to see Shakespeare's '1The Merchant of Ve.niee,., presented by tl