Alpha Psi Omega

Mary Lou Johnson, as Morgan Le Fay and Meredith Thorn as Merlin are pictured in a sc_ene from Friday night's opening- perform· ance of a "Connect-icut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." The two will appear again in a matinee performance this afternoon and the final production tonight. -Photo by Phil Perkins Final 'Connecticut Yankee' Showing Slated For Tonight Wright Cast In Leading Role; Snure Pleased With Production BY SARAII LONGLEY The final perf01mance of "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Coui-t," by John G. Fuller, will be presented tonight in the Harding Academy Auditorium at 8:00. Directed by Eileen Snure, the 'play is an Alpha Psi Omega production. It concerns the fantastical exploits of a Twentieth Century adventurer in: the days of King Arthur. Ray Wright, making his debut on the Harding Stage, is. cast in the leading role of Hank Bennett, a young electrical engineer, who suddenly finds himself in the l<ingdom of King Arthur and his dominating wife, Queen Guene– ver, played by Benny Holland and Jackie Filan. THOM PLAYS MERLIN Lancelot; and Bill Williams as Sir Sagramor. Minor parts are played by Charla Cranford as Sandy; Lou– ise Zinser as Marion, Hank's sis– ter and La Verne Crowson as Mrs. Bennett. BACKSTAGE CREW Stage manager of the produc· lion is David Porter. He is -asMerlin, the court magJc1an, is I sisted by Bill Summitt, John played by Meredith Thorn and Moore, Sara Copeland, Janie Mary Lou Johnson is cast. in the Graham, Charles Pittman, Mary role of Morgan Le Fay, King Helen Clayton, Helen Maupin, Arthur's sister. IMary Etta Grady; and Johnny Other principal characters are Ronald Kurtz as Clarence, a court page; Pat Rowe as Elain, a lady of the court; Cecil May as Sir Brown. Promptors arc Ruby Lee Ellis and Louise Zinser. Makeup is in charge of Nelda Holton, With Wanda Farris and Patti Mattax assisting. ---- House managers arc Ree:;; Bryant and Norman Hughes. Charles Crawford, assisted by ,Jolmny Brown, is in charge of properties. Costumes were by Wanda Farris, Patti Mattox, and Mary Lou Johnson. Advertising was handled by Benny Holland and stage design was by Holland and Meredith Thom. SNURE C0:\11\IENTS Vriday evening's performance was well rccf'ived by a capacity audiPnce. Eileen Snure, director, commented," I am extremely well pleased with the performances of the members of the cast as well as the wonderful cooperation of the backstage crew. Tonight's CFriday) performance was well received and I am glad the audi· ! ence liked the play." I MATINEE TODAY A matinee will be present ·d this afternoon at 3:15 and tonif:;ht the final curtain will go u-p at 8:00. Admission is granted t stu– dents through the Student A.ctivi· ty Ticket. The Harding Men's Quar ·tet entertains with song at intermis; · sions. Faculty advisors for the 1"0rluction are l\1rs. Perry M •n :111d Speech dcpilrtmcnt J Evan Ulrey.