Alpha Psi Omega

Voices Off Stage By El...,. ....... Campus Plv"ers Membershi[.l in the Cam})us Players 1:>1'&;anizn.tion used to be the aim of every Jft•td4nt who was interested in the cldrrin. 'l'be club was organized as- a sel\ice to the rest of the college.. It's ;first campaign was to raise money for new roof over the auditorium after a • wind..,storm had done extensive damag-e to Godden Hall. Through the years other services have been rendered such as contributing in a large measure for the curtains now }langing in the auditorium. Because of the fact that we are looking forward to our new auditorium next year, very little equipment has been purchased this year. Somehow, to me, the club has fallen 1 down in its joiJ this year. We seem to have sat back, and said-"Well-let the Dramatic Club members do it!" The one bad fac.tor of this was that usually the job just dictn't get done. People tell me that in "the good old ,;.,., _,_,, there would be so many people' nteerirtg foi· st~ge'ci·ew, that. yOll \. y}iad,to llSC·• shUts.· That certainlv so now. Perha~s it is the fault ~..: '' • director. It woulcl be so won< . · dl if, even on the day of pe11formance, we could have five or six people come up to the stage in work-clothes and volunteer to help out. I don't believe that "Tomorro-w the World" COU'ld h:we~een pl-~senWd-if we hadn't used the dr-amatic and lB&ke-~ c-lasses-and by the way-most f}f these people weren't even in the Dramatic Club. Right now-I'm giving digs at both the Dram3'tic Club and Campus Players. I know that everyone is busy. But did ,you ever stop to think that working on stage nan actually be fun? Believe me, , though, it's no fun, when aoout fOUl' Ol' five hardy souls h~we to do all •the work themselves. q'he {}peretta ooui<fu·1''have- beeu pre– sented last week if it had nOit been for the w.orkof two Dramatic CJnb members --=-BENNY HOLI..AND·andMEREiliTH'"' ~OM. These -boys_, Painfed aiiPost ·the entire . set-and wpr"'ed. by the way, all afternoon o.n Track ~d Field Day. Most of. u.;; tQOk a holiday, but the boys stayed up ther-e ·and wnrked! I think ~ Y!PU ask- , ed them what thE>Y thought a:bont it– thejr wou.ld .have said so.p-tetb~ng like this: "We A·ad lots of fun, MlO enjoyed jt"'-but it would be a lot better if it weren't the same people who did all the work." For the two or one-act plays still •to be presented, ~ th.en for the final production, "The Heiress_•• why don't YOU come around and kelp ''ut? "TRIFLES" . -~ •.The one-act play, Tl"ifles, was present– ~ir1 the auditorium Thursday night at 6-J:"-Q'clock. This play was directed by PATTI MATTOX. Patti had a good cast to work with. BILL WILLIAMS is a member of, the Campus Players, and has been especially remembered for his role ·as ·Roderigo. The other four mem– bers have all been outstanding this year for their work both on and back-stage. MEREDITH THOM has had an active interest in every production this year. It didn't seem ,to matter to him whether he had a part in a play or not-he still was seen working back-stage. CHARLA CRANFORD started working in high school two years ag.o. Her major role was "Meg' in Little Women. Even 1asf year, Charla used to help back-stage with the college productions, and aside from the various acting chores she ac– complished this year, she ha.s helped back~stage in almost every production. RUBY LEE ELLIS is another high school student who was most active for the past two years. Ruby's talent has not come out in straight roles as yet, but as a character actress. she is out– standing. One of the b€st jobs she has ever done was as the insane woman in "The Distant Hills," directed by Al Turman in high school last year. BENNY HOLLAND is one of the quiet peo})le. He is always there when y:ou want him, and is often doing a job even before you ask him to do it. He has played several minor toles this year, and I hope that next year th~r~ will be better parts for ·him. PATTI MATTOX has a lot of tale-nt. She started in the high school speech class two .rears. ago~ and l1as worked with ine ever since. She had a mnjor role in the fi.rst play that we took to FayetteviJl~, and ever since then she has been most active both on-.srng.e and i.)ack-stage. This ye&· she and .MARY LOU JOHNSON wet'e the only itWt} stu– dents chosen for admittance into the ALPHA PSI OMElGA. The P~.V. c'Trifles' was one of the requirements .of admit– tance into that organization. Today, I've mentioned a few of the people who have helped to make this year a succe'Ss as far as the drama is conce1ned. But these people can~t do it every 'year. Most oi tltem are freshmen. I hope that doesn't mean thai t-h~J· will Lose their jnterest 11e.~t ye-ar. final Performance Of 'Trial By Jurl To Be Given Tonight In Auditorium The final performance of lhe Gilbert & Sullivan cantata, "Trial by Jury" will be given tonight in the college audi'torium at S o'clocl<;:. Erl~ T. Moore, head of the music department is conduct– ing 'the music, and the· accompanist is Peggy Crutcher. Staging is uncl2r the> direction of Eileen Snure. The story of the cantata is as I follows: In a court of justice, Edwin <Sammy Floyd) is being sued by Angelina <Helen Nave) 'for breach of promise of ~mar· riage. The Judge <Bob Morris) is a self-made man and pretty complacent about it. He enters and II tells the story of his life. He is enraptured when beautiful An· gclina, 'the plaintiff, comes in with her bridesmaid,.;. Listening to her counsel's (LcH:oy O'Neall pitiful plea in her behalt, An· gelina is so moved tha't she falls sobbing into the arms of the Judge. While the Usher (Jacl< Plum merJ tries in vain to maintair silence in the court, the gallan jurors, under the lead of th< Foreman (Cliff PayneJ, heap irr pJica'tions on Edwin and call for substantial damages. All is con– fusion-unlil the Judge can stand it no more. He bids the lawyers put their briefs upon the shelf; I he will marry her himself. The members o.f the chorus arc as follows: Sopranos: Joyce Burt, Sarah Longley, Wanda Farris, Elizabeth Holt, Barbara Morris, Corinne j Russell, Sarah Scars, and Doris 'l'vlcinturH. Altos: Ann Broadfoot, Marian I Bush, Julia Hawkins, and Cynthia Kerr. Tcn01·s: John De~vis, Morgan Richatdson, AJ ·wagnon, "Dudy" . Wall<cr, Hay Wright, Puul Smith, and Johnny Brown. Basses: Ken Childs, C len Boycl, Leon S<Jnderson, Jim Porter, and Charles Cox. 1 Tickets arc still available Irom cast members for 25 cents. . .. ,~