Alpha Psi Omega

;.r- .... _ THE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH presents The Campus Players m ((TOMORROW THE WORLD" Patricia Frame Jessie Frame Frieda Michael Fr ame Leona Richards Emil Bruckner Fred Miller Dennis Butler Tommy by James Cow and Arnaud d'Usseau Directed by EILEEN SNURE The Cast Scenes Kay Cranford Shirley Sudderth Ruby Lee Ellis . Jack Plummer Charla Cranford Alfr ed Petrich Mer edith Thorn Bill McClure Edward Ritchie Joe Mattox The living room of Professor Michael Frame's home in a large university town in the Middle VVest. Act I A Saturday morning in early autumn, 1942. Stage Manager Assistants Tickets Lighting . Properties Prompters Act II An afternoon, ten days later. Act III Early the n ext morning. Production Staff Bill Summitt Steve Shimonek, Benny Holland, Ray Young Jean Jewell ... ,....... ... . .. ... Jo Flynt . Cathy Cone Sara Copeland, Ruby Lee Ellis *> 'Trial By Jury' To Be Presented :friday And Saturday In Auditorium The Cilberl & Sulll'v:an operetta, "Tflial by Jury," will be present– ed in the college audilol'ium May .J and 5 at 8:00 p. m. The produc– tion Js under l)Je direction of Erle T. Moore, head of 'the music de– partment, and wll be s taged oy Elleen Snure o.f the dramatic depart– ment. The a ccompanist will be Peggy Crutcher. Members o·f the cast include: Judge, Bo.b Morris; Usher, Jack Plummer; Defenda\tt, Sammy I F'loyd; Plaintiff, Helen Nave; I Counsel for the Plaintiff, LeRoy O'Neal; and Foreman of the .Jury, Clifford Payne. The one-act play centers around the fact that the defendant has fallen out of love with the plain– ti!f, and s'he sues him for breach of promise. The case is brought before the court, and the defen– dant is tried before the judge and jury. I The members of the chorus are as follows: Sopranos: Joyce Burt, Sarah Longl~y, Wanda Farris, Elizabeth Holt, Barbara Morris, Corinne Russell, Sarah Sears, and Doris Mcinturff. Altos: Ann Broadfoot, Marian Bush, Julia Hawkins, and Cynthia Kerr. Tenors: John Davis, Morgan 1 Richardson, .'\'1 Wagnon, "Dudy" j Walker, Ray yv'right, Paul Smith, I and Johnny Brown. 'Basses: Ken ChHds, Glen Boyd. · Leon Sanderson, Jim Porter, and J Charles Cox. I The hour's program will also include numbers by the men's quartet and the girls' sextet. Tickets wil be available from cast members at the 'beginning of the week. All. tickets will he on sale for 25 cents.