Alpha Psi Omega

Dramatic Club Off To·GoodStart As_Work Begins Five Lyceums Are Planned; Garner Directs One-Act Play Harding College dramatics got .1!'1" to a good stah last Thursday in tlw <JlHlitot·ium as the campus T!Jc~jlians had 1heir initial meet– ing. Plans were made for the fol– lc''\'ing yc~tt'. new memhers \I"Cl'C signed up. and Hanling letters were a-.,.·arcJecl to those person.~ who earnecl them la.~t year. Erni•2 \\'ilkerson , acting president in the alJseJll:l' ul· .Jimm:' :\luO!W\'ham. presidc•cl uver the mcetins wlJich w<~s att~:nclccl l>y more than SO in– lcl"<cstcd students. Fi1·e l.n·c•um,; lma.ior Jli~IY J!t'u– clucliunsl ~~t·e planned l"or the year <~s weII as !<C'\·eral one-act pla:vs. 1 \\'il•·.son ,;tatecl that thet·e will he murc opponunity for those' intl't'c•stccl to share in the activi– ties . Let ler.'i are presented annual– ly to tlw.-;t' 11·hu e<•nl a certain numlter or poinls during the year. llw poi'nh l>c•itlg <.1warcled l"or all .sl<tgcs ul" theatt·ic<~l wot·k- ft·cm1 prop !Joy to le<uling <tctor. Tlw high ]Joint of tile fi r~t meet ill.'! l\lllll' t"or ~t'Vl't 'ai of tllO~l' prc•sc:Jt <t~ tlwv ll'<tlkcd do\l'n the <ti.~k . ~milL'~ on tlwir f<ll'C>i, to 1'L'L'l'i\'C' the OI'<II1.~C ;mel lJJack "!-!". 1>t'L'Sl'll lt•d to them I' or a .ioiJ \\·cJ 1- ,Jotlt'. Tlw~e 11·ho ean1ed their let– tL'l '~ wen•: ·, .oi:; Bcn,.:on. Don 1c;oap~· 1 Cai'tll'J". :\J~t:xinc Grady, :ll<tt·iJ\·n :\kCingg;tgc. E:cl !Lm– som, 1\.cilh Tlwm)l.~llll, Hicharcl \\'alkc•r. l·:laine \\':·tile tnow :\Irs. Le,;" l'elTinl . Ijarolcl \Vilson, Paul c· i~t. k. \\ ~1.\·nc 1 -[~ll'din, ;\[ari()n l'ltillips. <lllrl l~mie \Vill,crson . ,\l l.lw .~econcl meL•ting, which \l'~ts hc·icl \ltis Tilllrsda_v. the mc~milcr.s t'L'cl'iVl'<l tilL'ir first JWL'View ot• dt'<tm<tlics ror tlw _\"l'<ll' .-\ play, "lk<lt· Ltd.\". lle Br;tvc•." wa~ )li'C'– St'lltcd J'tll' tilL' licnl'fit of tile clulJ lliHI 'I lie sl utlvnt ilody. A goocl ;n;,j;t'nce ~~~w Don C;u·ner dirL'C't Wil<tt turned out to he a weii·- 1'CC:L'in•cl otlc-act comedy. The play h<lCl p:·c•viouc;l,\ been given for t lw .-..;unLn1cr ,-..;c~siun llU<..licncc. Jn I lw pla~-. llilJ \\'illiams pla,\'– cd ihl' ]J<tt·t of a Jovc-~ick swain who l'ouncl ilimc;eif in 1ilc riclicnlou~ sit U<tt ion of having too m;rn_v women 1111 his hanc ls. Tlw LTit;i,.: nr lhL' pl·ll.\' ('C\111(' ciS Hill found that the ulljcct~ or llis ~tffccti "cl)1 wet·c C(ltitc C<IJl<tlJic of get– ting <tlong without him. The girb. Jll<t.\"(:c\ bv Jmugcnc Franks. I'\an· ni(' Sttc Cruze, <tnd Norma Sledge. clcserlcd him, one at a time. the la~l unc nmning off with B]JJ'~ l't·ic\Hl. Dr. Clark, played by 11<1' l'sscr.1·. Ccraie! 1\.cnrlrick turneel in <t c<~tl vi nl'i ng ]leri'orm<1 nc:c :t." tlw tw.c_;t·o .ianil(Jr. furnishin.c: the: ·Drarr~ r·~>~ Jub Annoum~t:S New Play Attraction Smyth, Smith, Smith Have Roles; Snure Skillman In Charge By Ernie "Peanut" Joynes The department of dramatics of Harding College is proud to announce at this time the com· ing attraction, a play entitled "You Can't Take It With You," by Hart and Kaufman. This play was first presented at the Booth Theatre, New York City in De– cem~er, 1936. After a successful Broadway engagement it was taken to Hollywood and made into a movie. Just a few days bad{ audiliot1s, tryouts and readings \Vcre held and parts assigned to various members of the always-dependa– ble Dramatic Club. Miss Dixie Smyt·:1, a newcomer with is this ye.u·, (incidentally she's from N. Y. C. and Texas) and Dick Smith i will be cast in the leading roles, , that of "Penny" and "Grandpa", respectively. While on the sub– ject of Smyths or Smiths it might be noted tha1 a Miss Jessie Lou Smith is also among the east. Dick Smith may well be rc· membered for his fine job in the leading role of "Magneficent Obsession," a hit presented last year. Miss Veronne Hall who star– red in another of last year's hits, "Junior Miss", is cast in the part of "Alice." Time and space prevents the mention . of every– one, but here are the nanws of ;t few others, whom I'm sure yon will enjoy immensely. Frum down Louisiana way we have that almost indespcnsabJe, Ken Istre, who will hold down the role of "Donald." Ernie Wilker– son, a Campus Player, will play the part of "Kolenl{hov," a Rus– sian acrobatic teacher. Pattie I Mattox, \Vho enjoyed great sue· cess last year, will be seen in the role of "Essie". We are glad to welcome, from U.C.L.A., Ray Ussery, who will take the part o.f "father". Also amon·g the new– comers are Cliff Sewal from St. Louis, Fred Dinkins from Fort L~uderdale, and Ed Gurganus from Chicago, Lucille Hancock froll} Kansas City, Kansas. "You Can't Take It With You" will be produced on the nights of November 18th and 19th. In the capacity of director we have Miss Eileeil Snurc. Professor Bill Skill· man is technical advisor. Prices are very reasonable. Adults will get past the ticket:taker for a small sum of 50c-. Students may enter front pot·tals for the mere fcc of 35c. Campus Players To Pr.esent fite Three-Act Plays Markin!; the beginning of the 19·1!1·50 dramatic season the first meeting of the Campus Players was held Thursday of last wee\;.. The group l1as a busy season ahead ancl will present five three– act plays in its regular Lyceum course. The first of these will be "You Can't Tal;.e It With You" written by 1\toss Hare and George Kauffman. It is a ':ery popular comedy tl1at enjoyeJ a stH.:cessful run on Broadway, A new polk.\' on play production has been adopted tbi,.; year with the selection of a member of Campus riayers to take cl1argc \Jl c\'1(> varticular pllase of prOth1C'– tion and to clo so for the entire school year. The appointments are <ts fnl· lows: Stage 1\Ianager, Ernie \Vil· kerson; Lighting 1\•Janager. H.ich– anl Wall.;e1·: ~\al.;e Up, Keith Thompson: Tic-ket Sales :\tanager, Lois Benson; Social Convene!', \Vancla Farris; Costumes, .Jessie Lou S1nitl1; Tllal;;cup H.omn For e– man, Gem·ge Pledger; Stage Ckan– up Foreman, DolJ\ly Peyto11; l'ublil'ity, Detty Thornton; Pro· gram Dire.ctor, Don<tld Garner: Properties, Gene Franl\s; !'Ianning ~md l\leetings. Dick Smith; and Striking-crew foreman, Grover Sexson. l\larilyn l\IeC\uggage will be in charge of composil~ a scrap hook to bring ll1C ]l.aory of Campus Players up to date. l'· u.res of all prlllll\C:ttons will J,e tal;;en ancl this department will be ~harecl by Garner and \Villzerson. At t.11e l<1,; t. regular mee-ting uf Campus Pl<Jyers l~1,;t year the fol· lowing people were initiated; \Vancla Farris, Hicbarcl W<llker, .Jes::;ie Lou Smith, Eileen Snure, ancl Betty Thornton. Anyone clesiring to join the Dramatic Club may do ~o until Thursday, Oct. l~l. 1\lem!Jer::;hip will then be closecl until tl1e \)(' · ginning of the winter term. Alpha Psi Omega To Announce Play Title Miss Nelda Horton announces that the Alpha Psi Omega play is in the process of being chosen, and stated that it will be either "Ladies In Retirement" or "East· ward and Eden." The decision will appear in next week's Bison, and casting will begin shortly after the play is selected. The cast wit! be of Alpha Psi mem· hers f<.; far as possible, and the balance will be selected through tryouts. HoltonChosenHead Of Alpha Psi Omega At the flJ•st meeting or the Hard· lng Cast of Alpha Psi Omega, Na~ tlonuJ Dramutlc Fraternity. the following offket'S were elected !o1·. HH!l.. 'iO. Mfss Nelclll Holton, Grand Dlrectol'; Mr. Ernie WUkcrsun, Grand Stage l\lattagcr; and Mls.~ _ Lois Bensen, Grand BUslnc&~ .Man. ager. :'\Jlss Hoill)n SUited that plan~ for the second l,yccum number, which Will he glv~n by AlJ,hn P11l, has nut y(!t l~n ~;elected. but that tile {>.'fOUJl Is stud~lng seve•·at possibJUtles. She also titnte<.l that. the ol'ganlzation will W(ll'k ver:..·. dCt:;~•Jy with CamJHJs Players and , Dranu1t11; Club in nn attCJn}lt to make this tht' best yea,• that the Ull'ce Ommatic bodie~; have ever had. The members of Al]Jlla Psi ;1re made llJl of both ;;tudents and faculty and ccm~ist~-; of: J\Jrs. Flor– et we Cathcart, J\li~s ~l~txine Cracl:v. \lis;; Bett_,. L!lrc.v, :\lr;.;. I<~Jaine T'cr,·in. J\li;;:, Holton. Lois Beno;on, Dr. .Joe l'r.~.·or. <retiring (:rar:r! Di1'1.'\;tt>l"l, Ul·..lllclc Wuod Seal-s, lrc– lil'iJlg Grand Shu:-~: :\lanagerl, Da-. Ji.\ern Sears, f't'ofl'!;MJr Lcsllt> DUJ'ke, lk. l<J. H. . !':taplrtun. Mel , E••nh• WllkE' I'$un . - Last Showing of Lyceum Number At Eight Tonight Tonight is the last presentat– ion of lhc first lyceum of the year, "You Can't Take It With You," a three-act comedy produe· ed i.Jy the Cilmpus Players. The opening performance of lhe play Fnday was lermP.d a success by all drama critic~·. Particularly outstanding were Miss Dixie Smyth, who played ihe part of the mother, anrl Dick Smith, a veteran actor who so capably handled the part of "Grandpa.'' Ken Istre and Phil Perkins furnished laugh after laurh witli their excellent charac· t.erization. Each and every one of tl1e actors were appl< uded, as were ·make·UP· lighting, 'and backstage personnel who turned ln com– mendable jobs. A party will be held in the choral studio tonight for m<'rnb· ers of the cast and production slaff following the play. I