Alpha Psi Omega

·~••i•••l••••···········~··~~. 9tUU 1'/r~tl. 12 Earn Letters In Dramatic Club– Snure New Prexy Tuesday And Wednesday Nights By llQil Garntll' ·········~······••!•!•••·~···· Most people need stimulation to do a thing and do it well-not that they sh(')uld, but still it is true. Some peo– ple like to have recognition-whethe;· they should or not, the fact still remains. Some people like honors for many different reasons. I'm only human and tend to be one of those who likes the things men– tioned above. I secretly think ~~ny per– son that I have ever met likes ~ll of these things, whether he will admit it or not. I The dramatic club elected of1 ficers last Thursday night at their regular club meeting. George i Snurc was elected president; Don Garner, vice-president; Pattie l\1attox, secretary; and Jessie Lou Smith wa~ chosen point-keeper. l A total of three hundrr2d points were required to letter in dra– matics this year. Miss Nelda Hol– ton, sponsor, announces that the 1 following ha\·e earned letters: AlFrom stimulation, for recognition, and for putting honor where honor is due, are the reasons the Campus Players are giving best actor and best actress awards, best supporting actor and actress, and the best direc~~d one-act play. fred Turman, Richard \Valker, Patti Mattox, Bob Hare, Don Garnc-r, Jeannine Haltom, Betty Reimer, Eileen Snure, Keith Thompson, _.Audrey McQuire, Ray Ussery, and Bill Williams. Last Monday at 8:00 a .m. the Campus Players ·initiated seven new pledges into the organiza– tion. The ceremony took place in the choral studio. Madame Arcati, played by Mary Lou Johnson, is seen describ– ing one of her communions with the dead to actors John Paul Had– ley, Cliff Alexander, Betty Reimer,. and Corrine Russell. The scene is from "Bli~he Spirit", next lyceum. -Photo by Jimmy :Kheudasil For the convenience of the judges I would like to summarize the play<> that have been presented. This 'is not a complete list. If I leave out a play please bring it to my attention. Starting at the first of the year, the first play was "Dear Lady, Be Brave" directed by none other than yours trpJy,. .Al . rr,.•rm,alt ,caroe . in next with hj~ N~h 'school: pla,y, l"Di~tant Hills." 'J:'h'ese were. the, only plays presented in the fall term as far as I could find out. In the winter term Ray Usser~· lead off with "What's in a Name." This was followed QY his "Killing· Two Birds With One Stone." In the winter term plays were directed also by Victor Broaddus. They were '-1 .. "-J J.Vt....l. \' ·'• .J.. \' ...a...U...:.J.LL ·-" ·ssa.1ppu puu apB.<fi S!ll /\q pailu IS! aunm s,~uapn1s aql ~U!MOifO.if t:sdA!)., ·sdno.I:'f .mo;r .w;r s1uapnv:; paparas S!l!.L ssa1 t:wapu;m a.?Jano:J ~um.reH aq.L qn[:J aar~ 'H[.if 'Jll!ASaU!U~ 'lUUkTH <l0f~V3:W. 'OW '[[aqdWU:J I JO UO!Pc 'Ll.lOWOl!dOS 'p.lOJJ!~ UpUOA ~ -paM 1-<a:l S.LN3:Gfl.LS 'HONOH p<:>wasa.rd '91-L qns '·pur I '<lllalxas 'A:paqn lD.TON '.la}{UQ[aZUH aor !:JHM 'A:J.mas 'xon-ew mud , pa,u~ S:>Il.I'HOAv .if I ID SS\-"l:J NVWHS:>I'H.if 'UlidU)l md Ul{d[V SS!W 'JOl -owod 'fi:assuw A:ww!r ~nr O!) nr '0!40 '~.luqSS<l']. 'uB2ad Aap!l[S S:>I.LI'HOAV.if q Those initiated were: Jeannine Haltom (freshman), Dixie Smyth (junior); Mary Lou Johnson (freshman), AI Turman (fresh manJ, Bill Williams (freshman), Betty "Sandy" Riemer (fresh– man), and Patti Mattox (fresh– man) . Rosalyn Milchen is also being pledged. She will be initiated at the annual Campus Players' brealdast, which will be held in the choral studi9, Tuescb.y mor!'t– ing, June 1. by Ray Ussery The fifth and Lyceum of · the year will begin its two-day performance Tuesday, May 30 at 8:00 p.m. Students will have an opportunity to see the play either on Tuesday or Wednesday nights. The play is to be a farce-comedy entitled "Blithe Spirit." The play is concerned with the frustrations of a gentleman who finds himself in the unfortunate situation of having two wives on his hands-one of them is 3. ghost It promises to be one of the most delightful and enjoy– able plays that Harding students have had an opportunity lo see. The gentleman in question. Charles, is to be played by a new– comer to the Harding stage, John Hadley. The part of c;1arles in the New York production was played by Clifton Webb. Pale-faced, but full of "life," wJII be Dot Tulloss, who plays the part of Charles' ex-wife. Her antics in the part should prove' highly interesting. The wife with life, that is to, say, the present wife of Chal'les I is ably played by Corinne Rus- i sell, who is due, in the play, for : a fair share of the credit in mak- 1 ing the success of the play. Madame Arcati, a spirit med-: ium, and to say the least, a , "character" of the first water, I will be played by Mary Lou Johnson. Mary Lou handles the part with the skill and familiari- : ty she has ex-hibited in previous ' Harding productions. Dr. and Mrs. Bradley, friends SSV'l:J 3:'HOWOHdOS S~UaWl{S!i fiU!SB<l.lJU '91-.L qns ')IJO'H }[JB!Hj V[~U!S S! of the Charle.s Considines', will 'U.IOl-J uoa ~>.DI>I '0!40 ·~tdS be played by Cliff Alexander anct Ofl~T.r.:il!}V '.H'll\00.!!} - .._ ~~ ·TahO .IOU~ Betty Reimer, respectively. The S2..Llti.OJ\v off ssverpentB! St ~l.fl. JO .:; part of the family maid, who ·e~t?)I flfd 'el.{~lVtli&"!oiJ~ P.l!i-Y V'e CIW lfBll . - "'-- '- +]...~ nntUmt· /'i" - 'flS' proquctim j·11 l;M ~;m... . . . fi!M 1-moq.:J.~O 'S.IJ! The Coqk" .,mn <Hl' l uonsanb .Taq ol o-8 lUM: ll ~- - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ';aeu /lnd Alflllll • .til - , -- ldS pUB 'Sll!}{MBH UUV -IU Ol puB alB[nW!S uo1u.lOlll. t:naa S.IOl Ol pasod.Ind S! l{J!l.1 lSSV 'uoSU!}{lV f:WW!f !UWH[B wn.IOJ aql .I llll!Of auAUM .la~BUUW -WOJ ll'-!J!JIO aq) ~ ~dO:J '8 naN .IOSSaJO.ld -lBlS ..•s.MaN UITI.IO.; ~a[ap uosm ~ll!P.lBH ·uos 'lanbuBq 01 WBlS!SSB aA!JnJa) •lUaSa.Td a.1a."'" Sp.lBM.e paJUnOUUB '}{aaM :.::>V 1unuuv 'aJua.TaJUO:J aq II!M '!utun[B mn ~Tlll~!l{ wawU!Bpa~ua nos A[ajBW!X0.1ddu :B·--· :c ·~ 1l 11 B. T.if ; i ~.J\ . "' --=·:~-~ p ' :J ,\ l "1 'l.&;nal pt..... l aq1 -l<nre ~ palsaJa~ .:naql ur ~ur.h~s .'-- ' *• ~a,~, l>~Uapuod!l ' • • u-r · s · · !is=- ·· -· - - - - ·op aqJ.. Jadtua ·sa:JAr pu-e · .