Galaxy 1973-80

JU GO JU & GALAXY Cathy Angei Robin Bales Terri Baker Larrv Beck Suz; Beeson Sus;n Bird 11 I Ben Brannon ~ . II James ,, wtw.\~'1 Ulllml Robert IImlr(ll;i II' Jeff Burro.up,p,s Rodney Cneatl'iam Jim Cone Cindy Cox Da!ia~ l ffilo~l}',IIUIII!I\1111[ K.en Du~1 e ~ou~~ ~~~~~~N~~III Beckyfl-!fi\tzjerre ! Tom <Bireene I Jimmy :~~·~~ fin! II~! Laura He.,ey Stephen Herrington ~:~:*!!' l\~~111111111 Andee Lawyeq Susan {I fl~ Jan Lawyer ~~~ Shauna Lawyer Kathy Lewis Jenny Lynn Lisa Lynn Goober McCoy Mark Miles Mike Mitchell David Morris Howard Mvrris Bruce Nunnally David Ozbirn Ricky Payne Cindi Pitts David Pitts Debbie Price !~l~l't E:~,)i;~~!" · \11 «~II r5f~~~~i;y~eK:J~ll'l ~~I· .till\ ~ •\ \~ l Sfit>tlr\ ~ln ~ I .Jh 1'\ ~~~ 111\\1\1 s~~~~~w~Tdt all" I~ ' !Ul Helly Tabalujar. 1 allillltl1111 David Underwood l' Bruce Vantine Ernie Vaughn Kim Webb Brent \Nilson Kattina Vifilson Carole Winther Bruce V! oodali ~l/11 "Fire" can ·be said to have ''fizzled." This was the nanJ •,,. of Galaxy and Ju Go Ju' s Suring Sing theme. Much fun ·and closeness w~s attain~d as the practices progressed, as costumes 'lvere n:a.•~-e;, and as music was being ·prepared. Many humorous moments wer;e sha red, like dress reh-earsal when the muslc didn't come on and we performed a c~pella, when Queen Andee fell on her posterlor reg– ion, a nd when Jame s Bristow's flam~ hel~et was Meked off by Carole 1Vinther. 'rhe nlght before performance, some of our weaker brethre~ at Harding deemed the show unac– ceptable for the Harding stage a~d ~ade the conditions such that Galaxy and.Ju Go Ju did not oerform. The other soclal clubs w~re sympathetic and sent messages of s~pport and sympathy v,rh ich was very appreclated. f) Galaxy and Ju Go Ju help the SAC hand out ice cream friday night of Spring Sing weekend. 2) "When a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes ••• " J) Mona and susan watch the other club's shows on video t