Galaxy 1973-80

GALAXY SOCIAL CLUB PLEDGE BOOK: A. ~·;r lte your full name on the front cover o f your Galaxy plegde book. On the inside cover write your class cshedule. This book is to be completed and turned in to the lJresidcnt on Frid<::.y night before rou&h ini tiaL:ion. Your boot should be verv neat~ B. his id e your pledc:e book, you should have the sit-natures of: Galaxy club officers Ju Go Ju officers Gala:;:y members Ju Go Ju membe rs Galc;xy yueen Ju Go Ju sponsors Galaxy sponsors Ju Go Ju pledges Gc:.l axy p l edge s C. The l ast two pages of your pledge book should be reserved for merits and demerits. D. Dating requirements for the week: 1. '1'\·:a JT:<2j or dates, V.'ith Ju Go Ju pledges if possible. Each date should write a summary of the date and the pledge on a·pag e in your pledge book. 2, Ter. minor dates. All dates should sign the pledge book on the same page. '3. Sign.atures of 25 girl s you do not lrnow, along with add r ess and phone number. E. For each o f the above, a h ead ing should b e glven the page. F~ Th e remai~der of pages in u l Edge book will be marked off by members as they deem necessary based on the p ledges activities. All pages are to f ill marked off by Friday night. P •• (2_'eet aJ_]_ l<:O. lazy wembers, queen, 2nd sponsors V>'i th the club motto, " list~cc~ C2st~2 .. j I,~urr:er1 L~J.!ner-~. '' Yo·J. a~ e to knov; tt1e rne2ning of i t ! 3 . Galaxy pledge book is to be with you at all times, exc ept church and footba l l practice. C, Gc:J_ axy p l edr:es are to be dressed ne2.tly, Co c..r 2nd tie 2Te r equir·;;:;d Gal~txy ann band is to be v:orn on the left a:cm. I\: _·. ~; ~ ~'I' AC ·T~\'ITI~S : :,-,r::: cir:.e sci ay - ;;~'T 8r first church, we v:ill hc_ve a pc_rty Vli th Ju Go Ju. This v;il] be a.-i- ~ .Jylc:iev:oocl and e-;rer ;yone lS to meet in front of the Her i tage at 7~15. ~hursd 2y - the conc ert will be one of your major date s. : . .. :. . . . ,. ... . . . .. : Friday-Gal axv pledEes are t o have a skit fJr the pep rall ey . A · '"'~~;, 51\it ;·.rou. 1~1 }JLJ.t e\.rer·Jrorle i11 a_ Jl.LJ. C11 bAttel"' rno od! Other in fornat ian about these will be posted in t h e club box in the student c ent er. You a re r esponsible ~ or nbt es in the box. Plr:: dp; c:s arc? Pxpc::ctecl to know 2.11 club merr:ber::::, :.::c:<.Ch Gzil2_xy member is i •·:c::lf·c> "' rr, r~ ,-,,__"':l~c;]'~D C'·'r· r' Q1"l ' ' "'']~]n'-'nt ·r" "''' l.('2-I'"' I'' 'J"' "O'' 'c:co•:::c -:c \r '1 l -~ ri .L'--'"a'"- ,1.._1_ C- 11. \._,. J , l.lt_ .._ ._.._ L...l _... .._...._ U" .-. .0.-L• ..__\ ....._,li.. • • ....__, )_ ~' , .. t..,. l, ._, ~;l ._ _ ·,_ ,, l.J ).....Jo.....•C .·•.) '-- {..-. _.__,_l J.... c~rd, si ~ncd bv current nre si d~nt m1d SDansor. Dis nlav of this c 2rd n,.., -,, ""' ,, ;;k,:o.c 1 i-·a' ·r once . ., .,.,·a·1 on l v O"'"e '(o . . , '"''"8 .;-'--;:o.r·.,;T·-r'e,-1-. I'C'c''''"'l c: J· >--.-, "' · '--'- ,j .._. ...__. c.;::_.__, - .. .__, . .._ _, _ ~ ., L ....L- -'- ,) ... .L. '-" , er -'- lj. c.;., .L Vi 1, .._ .~ C C--'.-'- U . . .- '-..1 .::--' J .o. .._, • L; ~ ~-- for ]mowin g iclenity of p l edg e ~::as ter~