Galaxy 1973-80

.alaxy goes to sports fmals Galaxy's 65 members participated in all aspects of club ·tivity while mntinu ally growing closer to their sister club, Ju o Ju. October saw the dubs enjoying an early morning ncake breakfast at Camp Wyldewood. Club Queen Andee wyer, a Ju Go Ju member, served the club well as she led he support for Galaxy in its sports competition. Its "C" t::lln took the honors in large club football, and all teams red well in volleyball and baseball. In basketball, the "A", " 'and"[)" teams all made it to the tinals. Spring activities or the club included a tloat trip and a Little Rock banquet. 1. Herrington 2. Vetter 3. Eubanks 4. Johnson 5. Langford 6. R. Watson 7. D. TuckerS. P. Watson9. S. Stafford 10. D.Morris 11. Underwood 12. Dale 13. W ork 14. Churchman 15. Huey 16. Johns 17. Brannon 18. Ellis 19. Searcy 20 Crawford 21. T. Stafford 22. Bristow 23. Osborn 24. Waller 25. Parsons 26. Cheathem 27. Hatcher 28. Scobey 29. Whitehead 10. Wilson 31 . Hyman 32. Carr, Sponsor 33. Mitchell34. S. Tucker 35. H. Morris 36. Cone 37. Lawyer, Queen 38. Moore 39. Adkins