Galaxy 1973-80

Row 1 Nunnally,Mills,Wall,Elmore, Isenberg,Dave Pitts,J.Garner,Lytle Carlile,Scribner ~ Rew 2aB Kelley, Dan Pitts,Vawter,Haynes,Umberger, Reynolds,R Underwood,Denton,Guthrie, Shelton,Bryant,Oliver,Moore,C Kelley, K Pope,B Kinser,TaylQf,Finley,Collins Kirk, Smith,Jackson,~ller,Farrar, Anthony,Arquitt,Beam ~~addell, ~obison Row ~aCampbe~~~Edwards, Starling, Mitchell,Gr~nt,Dumas,G Kinser,Church,D Unde~wgod,Kuwitzsky, Curtis,Carr,Beach,M~phy,Burroughs ·J!i Officers .!ill! Queens .~ Charles Murphy-secretary, Rick lytle-vice presiden~,• .Kevin Pope– president, Robin Ba~es-queen,Carl Kuwitzsky-treasurer ·~ In the school year of 1978 and 1979 Galaxy once again proved to be a dynamic force on the Harding Col– lege campus. Many devotionals were shared with Ju Go Ju, our sister club including a cookout and devot– ional at the cave at Wyldewood dur– ing the week before first choice preference lists were passed out. This was a good time to become re– acqJ!lainted with each other and re– lax from recruiting activities. Galaxy helped Ju Go Ju run a road– block down on the square for Cys– tic Fibrosis, on an early Satur– day morning in September. The re– sult was that $600 were raised in four hous. Galaxy and Ju Go Ju hosted "The Great Banana Split Sale" which netted $900, $400 of which was profitted. The officers of Galaxy and Ju Go Ju, as a result were invited to the 80th birthday party of Dr. George S. Benson. At Thanksgiving, a turkey basket was sent to a needy family, and Christmas caroling was performed at Leisure Lodge, an old folks home in Searcy. Besides eating together at the "Galaxy'" table, sending notes to our secret sisters, enjo~ng somes parties, Galaxy ended the semester