Galaxy 1965-73

SCRAPBOOK REVIEWING AND A SNACK go together for members of Gala.""y socia! club: f.rom left, Mike: Smit'h, Lanny Wildman, Pat Shelbou rne, Jerry Tate and Andy Richmond. Cary Abney Pat Ayres• Mike Bench Rod Brewer Jimmy Carr .Phil Clo t hier Jerry Copeland Jim Davis Lynn Dixon George Freeman 'l'om Henderson Whit Herndon Alvin Hicks Bill Howard Wayne Huey David Jones Don Kee Mike McDaniel Phil Pharr David Reeves Jim Sharpe Ken rrhomas Bill 'l'rickey David Waters Eugene Johnson 1965-1966 Phil Roberson Gay 'tl heatley Virg il Anderson Ron Boudra David Byrd Gary Cottrell Charlie Devaney Bob Knight Eddie McClellan Johnny fv'liller Hon Reeve Tom Simmons Boyce McClain Buddy Patterson Roger Flue - I? ::IOTn =...v ..... ' Mike Hedrick David Pace Ronnie Pruitt Philip Pulley Hobert Wallace Ronny Copeland Harold Alexander Randy Carr James G-ardner Ron Hubio